The 2 Moves You Need for a Sculpted Upper Body
The good news: Summer is officially here! The bad news: You can no longer hide your not-so-toned spots behind lots of layers. And with the thermometer registering crazy-hot temperatures, one of the first things you'll want to shed will be your sleeves.
好消息:夏天正式来临了!坏消息:你无法在一层层的衣服下掩盖你不是那么坚硬的肉肉 。随着温度计测量出了狂热的温度,你首先想要遮盖的东西之一就是你的袖子 。
Not quite ready to bare your upper body in strapless dresses and off-the-shoulder shirts? Don't panic. These three moves, which you should implement into your current routine posthaste, will have your deltoids, triceps, and traps looking stronger than ever—you may even give FLOTUS a run for her money. Ready to arm yourself?
还没有准备好穿露肩礼服和露肩衬衣露出你的上半身吗?别惊慌 。这两个你应该尽快落实到目前日常计划中的动作将会使你的三角肌、肱三头肌和斜方肌看起来比以往任何时候都更加强壮——甚至可以与美国第一夫人相媲美 。准备好武装你自己了吗?
Crab walk
How to do it: Start seated with knees bent and feet flat on floor. Place hands on either side of your butt, keeping them underneath your shoulders; imagine hands are pointing to 10 and 2 on a clock. Raise hips so that they are hovering over the group; walk right foot and left hand forward, followed by left foot and right hand. Continue alternating for three more steps forward. Reverse motion back to start. This is 1 rep; complete 10.
如何做:首先双膝弯曲坐下,双脚平放于地板上 。将双手放在臀部的两边,保持双手位于双肩之下;想象双手正分别指向闹钟的10点和2点方向 。抬升臀部这样就会悬停着;右脚和左手向前走,左脚和右手随后 。继续交替向前再走三步 。开始向后的逆向动作 。这是一次;完成10次 。
Tam's tip: When fatigue starts to set in, you'll be tempted to drop those hips—keep 'em high though. Also, try to find a rhythm when moving your opposite arm and leg simultaneously.
塔姆建议:当感觉到累的时候,你将面对放弃臀部动作——保持它们足够翘的诱惑 。同样,在同时移动对立边胳膊和腿时,要尝试找到节奏 。
Upright row
How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with a 5- to 10-pound dumbbell in each hand; palms face down. Moving from your shoulders, drive elbows up toward chin. Pause at the top and then lower dumbbells, with control, back to start. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.
如何做:站立时双脚距离与肩部距离差不多,每只手上各握5-10英镑的哑铃;手掌朝下 。从肩膀处移动,将肘部向上推向下巴 。在顶部暂停,然后控制着将哑铃放下,重新开始 。每组10次,做2组 。
Tam’s tip: Pull shoulders back, keeping chest open. Head should be level with your gaze looking out. Contract abs for the duration of the lift.
塔姆建议:收回肩膀,保持胸部处于打开状态 。目光向外看时,头部应该与目光齐平 。在提哑铃期间,收缩腹肌 。