More definition, greater strength and, if you keep at it, a higher percentage of lean muscle mass.
1. Narrow Grip Push-Up
This move targets the triceps, shoulders, chest and core. Be sure to draw the shoulder blades down the back and keep elbows close to body. Need to modify? Add some incline, placing the hands on a box or bench.
2. Renegade Row
Holding a high plank, keep the shoulders in line with one another and allow elbow to graze the rib cage as it moves toward the ceiling. Try to keep hips from rocking by separating the feet and keeping glutesand quads engaged.
3. Prone Y and T
Keep glutes engaged and hip bones and feet on the ground. Do engage the upper back, and keep a nice long neutral neck.
4. Side Lying Tricep Press
This side-lying push-up will tone the triceps, biceps and obliques in just one equipment-free move. Timing your breathing. Exhale as you press your body off the floor, and inhale as you return to the start position.
5. Half Get-Up
Holding a book or a dumbbell, the half Turkish get-up works everything from your shoulders, arms, hips, back and core. Make sure to drive through the heel of the bent leg as opposed to coming to toes, and keep an eye on the extended hand to maintain proper shoulder position.