日期:2016-06-23 11:36


BBC News – Despite being closed to most foreigner visitors, North Korea may ironically be the saviour of one of the world's greatest international migration routes - the avian East Asian Australasian Flyway.

BBC新闻 – 尽管朝鲜对大多数外国游客闭关锁国,但颇有讽刺意味的是,它或许成了东亚 – 大洋洲这条世界最重要的国际候鸟迁徙路线的救星。

Fifty million birds, from cranes to song birds, journey along the Flyway twice a year. Eight million of those are shorebirds - or waders. And for many thousands of those, North Korea's west coast - on the Yellow Sea - is their sole stop-off point.

从鹤类到鸣禽的5千万只鸟儿一年两次沿着迁徙路线奔波。其中8百万只是滨鸟 – 或鸻鹬类。对成千上万只鸟儿来说,黄海海域的朝鲜西海岸是唯一的中途停留点。

In tidal mudflats, species such as the bar-tailed godwit,refuel on worms and molluscs. And the endangered great knots search for small clams.


North Korea's coast is considered so important because the shorelines of neighbouring nations - China and South Korea - have witnessed rapid and large-scale reclamation projects. Mudflats have been converted to dry land for agriculture and industrial development.


Of the total area of Yellow Sea mudflat habitat which existed 50 years ago, only one third remains - according to shorebird ecology expert Richard Fuller of the University of Queensland, Australia.


North Korea's lack of development - compared to China and South Korea - means the country's mudflats are largely intact. But the conservationists say the birds also benefit from there being fewer river-polluting factories, and lower levels of agricultural fertilisers and pesticides running off the land into the marine environment.


  • ironicallyadv. 讽刺地,说反话地
  • intactadj. 完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的
  • migrationn. 移民,移往,移动
  • habitatn. (动植物的)产地,栖息地
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • ecologyn. 生态学