Adult cells are constantly under strict control, Weil says. "Basically cancer is a loss of control of those cells."
Cancer can only grow in this uncontrolled fashion if some of the genes that usually stop any accidental cell growth – such as the p53 gene – get mutated in the cancer cells.
通常情况下我们人体内的某些基因会阻止细胞意外生长,比如 P53基因,但如果他们在癌细胞中发生突变,那么癌细胞就会在这种失控的模式下成长。
However, our bodies are pretty good at spotting these mutations. There are biological systems within us that step in to destroy most mutated cells before they can cause us harm.
We have several "corrective" genes which send instructions to kill any corrupted cells. "There's millions of years of evolution that's gone into this," says Charles Swanton of the Francis Crick Institute in the UK. "It's pretty good but it's not quite perfect."
在我们身体内部有一些负责“纠正错误”的基因,他们会指导我们杀死那些腐坏的细胞。“上百万年的进化让我们的身体非常善于修正错误,”英国弗朗西斯•克里克研究所(Francis Crick Institute)的教授查尔斯.斯旺顿(CharlesSwanton)说到。“基因在这方面非常强大,但是并不完美。”
The threat comes from the tiny number of corrupt cells that do not get fixed. Over time, one of these cells can grow and divide into thousands, then tens of thousands of cancer cells. Eventually there may even be billions of cells in a tumour.
This leads to a truly challenging problem. Once that initial corrupt cell has divided and multiplied into a tumour, a person will have cancer until every single one of the cancer cells has been obliterated. If just a few survive, they can rapidly multiply and regrow the tumour.
Cancer cells are not all alike: far from it. Whenever a cancerous cell divides, it has the potential to pick up new mutations that affect its behaviour. In other words, they evolve.
As the cells inside a tumour mutate, they become ever more genetically diverse. Then evolution goes to work to find the most cancerous ones.
Genetic diversity is "the spice of life, it's the substrate upon which natural selection acts", says Swanton. By this he means evolution by natural selection, first proposed by Charles Darwin in 1859.
Just like individual species – humans, lions, frogs, even bacteria – gain genetic variation over time, so too do cancer cells. "Tumours don't evolve in a linear manner," says Swanton. "They evolve in a branched evolutionary manner, which means that no two cells in a tumour are the same."
In effect, the cells of a tumour are evolving to become more cancerous. "Essentially we are dealing with branches of evolution that create diversity and that create fitness, and allow cell populations to survive therapy and ultimately outwit the clinician," says Swanton.
The fact that tumours are constantly changing their genetic makeup is one of the reasons why cancers are so hard to "kill".
It is for this reason that Swanton, and others in the field, take an evolutionary approach to tackling cancer. Swanton, who specialises in lung cancer, is both a clinician and a research scientist. His work has revealed something that he hopes will help create effective, targeted treatment.
Think of the evolution that goes on inside a cancer tumour as like a tree with many branches. At the base of the tree are the original mutations that triggered the tumour in the first place: mutations that should be shared by all of the cancer cells in the tumour.
In theory, a therapy that targets one of those base mutations should destroy every cell in the tumour. This is an approach that some therapies already use. For instance a drug called EGFR therapy targets lung cancer, and a BRAF inhibitor protein attacks the faulty gene which can lead to melanoma.
The trouble is, these therapies do not work as well as we might hope. Even in these targeted therapies, resistance often appears over time.
It occurs because there will be one or more cells in the tumour branches that has a resistance mutation that allows it to outwit the therapy, Swanton says.
In other words, some of the branches of the cancer tree have evolved in a way that makes them less vulnerable to attack through the base mutation. They can dodge the therapy.
Swanton and his colleagues have studied the problem to see if they can develop a therapy with a better outcome.
An average tumour might contain something like a thousand billion cancer cells. Some of those cells might well have evolved in a way that makes them immune to attack through a specific basal mutation.
But what if a therapy targeted two of those basal mutations at the same time? Far fewer cells will have evolved in a way that makes them immune to both forms of attack.