Everyday Ways to Maintain Your Feel Great Weight
Our diet expert clues you in on everyday things you can do to maintain your feel great weight.
我们的饮食专家提供给你一些日常方法来保持使你感觉良好的体重 。
In the past, I lost weight by being super strict during my "diet" phase, but when I reached my goal, I fell back into my old ways and gained the pounds back. When I finally decided to lose weight once and for all, I knew I didn't want to torture myself with restrictive dieting, obsessive calorie counting, and constant hunger. I wanted to shed pounds (for good) by adopting healthy eating and exercise habits that were balanced and livable, so I started to make small changes to my current lifestyle. Those little things added up and helped me lose the weight and maintain it for nearly eight years. A key to my success was finding everyday ways to keep my weight in check.
过去,我通过十分严格的控制自己的"节食"阶段来减肥,但当我实现目标时,我重又回到了以前的日子,体重又增了回来 。最终当我决定一次性减肥时,我知道我不想用严格的节食,过度计算卡路里和不断的挨饿来折磨自己 。我想要通过采用平衡适宜的健康饮食和锻炼习惯来减肥(一劳永逸的),所以我对我现在的生活方式做了一些小改变 。这些小改变累计起来并帮助我得以减肥,效果保持了近8年 。我成功的一个主要因素就是找到日常方法来约束体重 。
Eat often
Eating frequently might sound counterintuitive if you're trying to lose weight, but aiming for three healthy meals and two small snacks a day means you're eating something every three hours or so, so you'll never let yourself get too hungry. This prevents overeating later and keeps your metabolism humming along.
如果你试图减肥,那么可能经常吃听起来违反直觉,但是一日三顿健康饮食再加上两顿小零食意味着你每三小时左右吃一顿,所以你就不会有太饥饿的感觉 。这能预防之后的过度饮食并能使你的新陈代谢自行运转 。
I love cheese, and I'd eat it everyday if I could. But, an easy way to cut calories from my diet is nixing the cheese (or other high-calorie ingredients, like spreads and sauces) from my meals once or twice a week.
我喜欢奶酪,如果可以的话我每天都会吃 。但是,从我的饮食中减少卡路里的简单方法就是每周一次或两次不吃奶酪(或其它高卡路里的食物,例如涂抹酱和调味酱)
Get cooking with your oven
I love roasted vegetables, and I often keep them in the refrigerator as an easy snack or quick addition to a meal, so anytime I turn on the oven in my kitchen, I almost always add a baking sheet full of vegetable to roast along with whatever I am cooking. That way, I always have a nutritional option on hand.
我喜欢烤蔬菜,我经常把它们放在冰箱里作为小零食或者餐饮的快速补充,这样无论我什么时候打开厨房的烤炉,我都能在我烤的东西上再加上全是蔬菜的烘焙单 。这样子的话,我总会保留着营养选择 。