Struggling to Get to the Gym? This Kind of Therapy Could Help
Maybe you've tried everything, including bribing yourself (If you go to the gym, you can come home and watch The Bachelorette!) and guilting yourself (You spent so much on that membership-you have to go). But you just can't seem to get into a regular fitness routine.
也许你已经试过一切招数,包括贿赂自己(如果去健身房的话,回家来就可以看《钻石单身汉》!)或者让你自己内疚(买健身房的会员卡花了好多钱--必须得去) 。但似乎你就是无法进入到常规的健身程序中去 。
One of the newest buzzwords in self-improvement is ACT, a type of therapy designed to help you develop your "emotional agility." And that is key to achieving your goals, says Steven Hayes, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Nevada, Reno: "Emotional agility affects how well you do in business, if you succeed in sports, and whether you stick to your diet and exercise regimen," he says.
有关自我提升的最新流行词中,其中之一就是ACT,这是一种旨在帮助你发展 "情感灵活性"的一种治疗 。这是你实现目标的关键,博士史蒂芬·海耶斯说道,他是位于里诺市内华达大学的心理教授,"如果你在体育方面成功的话,不管你有没有坚持你的饮食和锻炼计划,情感灵活性会影响你做事好坏 。"他说道 。
ACT (short for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) involves a combination of mindfulness techniques and behavior change strategies that help you focus on what's important to you, and alter your behavior to support those values.
ACT(接受与承诺治疗的缩写)是心智技巧和行为改变策略的结合,能帮助你专注于重要的事情,改变你的行为以支持这些价值 。
Preliminary research suggests it might be worth a try if you're struggling to fit in more workouts. A small study published last year in the British Journal of Health Psychology found that people who were asked to follow a walking program and were also counseled in ACT were nearly five times more likely to meet the activity goals than those who didn't receive counseling.
初步研究表明如果你正在挣扎着要找时间做更多锻炼时,这种方法值得一试 。去年《英国健康心理学杂志》上发表的一项小规模研究表明:相比没有接受咨询的人,那些被要求进行步行运动同时也进行ACT咨询的人实现活动目标的几率约是他们的5倍 。
You might identify beliefs and thoughts like, "I don't have energy for this," or "I'm not confident with my body." Then, you'd combat those thoughts with a hearty dose of self-compassion and self-kindness.
也许你的信念和想法是这样的,"我没有精力做这些事"或者"我对我的身体不自信" 。那么,你内心必须充满自我同情和自我友善,来与这些想法作斗争 。
Final step: find your motivation. Goals are great-like running a marathon, or fitting into those jeans you've been hanging on to since college. But ACT pushes you to go deeper, and identify higher-level motivations, like wanting to be a positive role model for your kids, or wanting to dance the night away with your boyfriend.
最后一步:找到自己的动机 。目标是远大的--比如:跑马拉松或者穿上自从大学时代起就挂起来的牛仔裤 。但是ACT能帮助你更加努力,帮助你识别更高程度的动机,比如:为自己孩子树立积极的楷模形象或者与男朋友劲舞到天明 。