It turns out that relationship satisfaction doesn't have much to do with how funny or romantic you are…
There is one personality trait that consistently predicts relationship satisfaction, and it can be measured with a few simple questions. On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much), to what extent do you…
a)pay attention to detail?
b)get chores done straightaway?
c)like order?
d)follow a schedule?
e)ensure that you are always well-prepared?
The personality trait that most reliably predicts relationship satisfaction is not a wicked sense of humour or a fondness for grand romantic gestures, but conscientiousness. If you scored 21-25 you are very conscientious, 16-20 somewhat conscientious, and 15 or less (or you didn't finish the test) not particularly conscientious.
This might seem surprising, as we can think of conscientious people as rather unromantic or even boring. But other traits, such as extraversion and enjoying new things, can be either good or bad depending on your partner and the stage of your relationship. It seems that ultimately most of us want a partner who will keep their promises, do their share of the household chores, remember birthdays and anniversaries, not cheat on us and forgive us if we cheat on them – all characteristics of conscientious people, and predictors of relationship satisfaction. As if that's not enough, conscientious people – across all levels of education and socioeconomic status – also live longer. Let's raise a (sensibly sized) glass to boring people.
这似乎很奇怪,因为我们会认为有责任心的人一般是平淡无奇甚至无聊。但其他特征,如外向和享受新事物,可以是好是坏,要取决于你和伴侣恋爱关系的进展阶段。看来,最终我们大部分人希望与信守承诺的人结为伴侣,和他们一起做家务,记住彼此的生日和纪念日,不欺骗我们,如果我们欺骗他们,他们也会原谅我们 – 这些都是有责任心的人的特征,也是关系满意度衡量标准。好像这还不够,有责任心的人-在所有层次的教育和社会经济地位中-也更长寿。让我们来戴上(理智的)眼镜来看那些无聊的人吧。