邹市明美国首秀 中国观众稀少
日期:2016-06-17 09:52
The CEO of Top Rank and Chinese icon Zou Shiming's promoter predicted a sparse Chinese fan turnout Saturday night at the Theater at Madison Square Garden.And for the first time in Zou's professional career the stands he fought in front of weren't filled to the brim with new yet energetic Chinese boxing fans.
Top Rank公司CEO以及中国先锋人物皱市明的发起人预测了一场只有少数中国人出席的麦迪逊广场花园举办的周六之夜。这是周在职业生涯所到过的赛场中第一次身边没有充满新但精力充沛的中国拳击迷。
Giving the millions of Chinese boxing fans watching at home something to about Zou (8-1 2 KOs) easily beat 19-year-old Jozsef Ajtai (15-3 10 KOs) of Hungary in a 10-round unanimous decision.
回馈给通过电视收看比赛的百万中国拳击迷们的礼物是周(8-1 2个KO)通过10轮比赛轻松战胜了19岁的阿伊塔伊(15-3 10个KO)。