日期:2016-06-07 18:53


5.Soybeans Are Actually Toxic When Eaten Raw And Soy Products Pose Potential Dangers
Who doesn't enjoy an appetizer of edamame to pair with their sushi or other Asian fare? However, did you know that you'd likely be in peril if said edamame wasn't cooked to rid itself of all the toxins? That's right, soy beans are actually quite toxic when raw. According to The Healthy Home Economist, 170 scientific studies have confirmed that soy and soy products are actually dangerous. Soy has been shown in various studies to potentially lead to — or exacerbate potential risks of — to health detriments, such as:


Various properties in soy that increase cell production in breasts in a similar way to the enzymes that lead to breast cancer. A study involving rats consuming soy showed that soy elements "suppress the pituitary-thyroid axis in middle-aged rats fed 10 mg soy isoflavones per kilo after only 3 weeks as compared with rats eating regular rat chow." Consuming soy during pregnancy has been show to increase risks of a male fetus developing prostate cancer later in life. Soy products can cause abnormalities with hormonal function that leads to acceleration in puberty. In other words, this so-called "natural" product leads to extremely unnatural effects in the body. Although soy is often used in supposed muscle-building products geared toward male bodybuilders and athletes, it actually leads to a great decrease in testosterone. Soy can be hazardous to a female's reproductive system, leading to: "delayed vaginal opening…abnormal estrous cycles, decreased fertility, and delayed parturition."

4.Vegetarianism Can Lead To Poor Bone Health


There are many elements in meat and dairy products that provide powerful nutrients like iron and calcium, which are essential to strong bone and muscle health, and also combat health risks like anemia. According to an article from AskMen, vegetarians miss out on things like omega-3 fatty acids, which work to prevent several maladaptive health issues like atherosclerosis and can also work to improve mood, and combat depression.
Furthermore, "Researchers at Oxford University recently followed 35,000 individuals aged 20 to 89 for a period of five years and discovered that vegans are 30% more likely to break a bone than their vegetarian and flesh-eating peers. A subsequent study conducted by Sydney's Garvan Institute for Medical Research found that vegetarians had bones 5% less dense than meat-eaters. This can be attributed to the fact that many vegetarians and vegans consume very little calcium due to the limitations of their diet." Is upholding political beliefs — or fallacious "weight loss" ones which have pervaded the media and celebrity sponsorships — worth breaking a hip? I don't think so.

3.The Hypocrisy of Vegetarianism


On the humorous blog I Waste So Much Time, a blogger posted a photo of someone holding a head of lettuce with the caption: "This lettuce DIED just so you could be a vegetarian. Have a heart, eat a rock."
Although posted in jest, there are several truths that glimmer through here. Whether or not vegetarians would like to admit it, plants are living organisms, just as animals are. No one wants to eat lamb chops when they think of the slaughtering of cute and cuddly lambs, right? What about the slaughtering of innocent pea pods, cucumbers, and other vegetables and fruits that — although they're not much for petting or cuddling with — are in fact very much alive.Does something being alive but not cute make it fair game? And if you read this and want to take the alternate route of eating nothing that has ever been alive, that leads you with pretty much…nothing. Even if you decided to eat cardboard, guess where that cardboard came from? A tree. To respect those that are truly incensed by the inhumane treatment of animals in slaughterhouses, I can empathize with you and would never agree to such cruelty and harsh conditions being imposed on innocent livestock. However, AskMen went on to note in their article referencing the detriments of vegetarianism that it is far from impossible to purchase meat products from organizations that treat their livestock humanely. "There are plenty of organizations that raise — and kill — animals humanely. One of them is Humane Farm Animal Care, a nonprofit organization created to improve the lives of farm animals by certifying their humane treatment. When you see the Certified Humane Raised and Handled® label on a product, you can be assured that the products in question have come from facilities that meet precise, objective standards for animal treatment. Other organizations, like the American Humane Association, offer meat certifications to farms that practice humane farming techniques. Their standards are based upon the values of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, as well as input from animal science experts and veterinarians."

2.Vegetarianism Can Turn You Into A Human Methane Machine


Cattle aren't the only ones who can harm the environment with their potent flatulence. When people take part in vegetarianism, their fiber consumption is increased exponentially. We all know that fiber is essential to digestive health and the prevention of disease, but vegetarians are potentially doubling or even tripling the recommended daily amount. According to AskMen, "The problem (with increased gas production once a person takes on vegetarianism) lies in the human body's inability to fully digest the complex carbohydrates in the vegetarian diet, resulting in higher production of gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane." Vegetarianism is truly ironic in the sense that people often partake in the diet for humane reasons and as a way to protect the environment, but then suddenly become hosts to dangerous compounds that actually harm the environment.
牛并不是唯一会产生烈性肠胃胀气来危害环境的生物。当人们改吃素时,他们的纤维消耗量就会以指数形式增长。我们都知道纤维有助于消化系统的健康和疾病的预防,但素食主义者们每天的摄入量要比建议的摄入量增加了两到三倍。据Ask Men网报道,"(人一旦吃素,肠胃会产生更多气体)原因在于人体无法完全消化素食里的复合碳水化合物,因而产生更多的气体,如氢气、二氧化碳和甲烷。"素食主义真是令人啼笑皆非,在某种意义上,人们常常出于人道原因而加入吃素希望保护环境,但随后竟变成制造有害化合物来危害环境的主体。
For those that take to vegetarianism for superficial reasons (sorry — there is nothing humane about going vegetarian in order to look great on the beach), you're basically going to be a bag of flatulence, which is never a fun situation. Grab a chicken, steak, or salmon, and say "goodbye" to embarrassing flatulence.

1.Meat Is Delicious


Look, guys, we only have one life to live. Scratch that: if reincarnation or whatever turns out to be true, we have a ton of lives to live, but we're probably not going to remember any of them, and your next life could be you as a snail, where you wouldn't even have the option to eat meat. Meat is delicious and if you don't believe me, try ordering a filet mignon wrapped in bacon and prepare to feel like you just got transported to a seeming utopia where everything is delicious and all the perils of the world don't matter for even a mere fifteen minutes because that is how good a filet mignon wrapped in bacon is. Speaking of bacon, they're putting it in virtually everything nowadays — it's awesome, and you might want to hop on the bacon train sooner rather than later just in case pigs become extinct for whatever reason.
If you're not a big fan of red meat or pork products, try eating a lobster…or a delicious jerk chicken sandwich…or a delicately garnished salmon steak…or—well, you get what I'm saying here. It is impossible for you to not find at least one meat product that will blow your mind, satiate your appetite, and make mealtime a truly enjoyable experience. Now that we've also covered the litany of health benefits posed by eating meat, the way it can be consumed humanely, and the way it can decrease disease risk and keep you in shape, I don't think there's anything I need to say in order to coax you to ditch vegetarianism and grab yourself a nice hunk of meat.

翻译:@某某人 审校:飞扬 来源:前十网
