Stanley Kubrick was planning children's film before his death
Stanley Kubrick was planning his first children's film and his first second world war movie shortly before his death in 1999, his friend and former assistant has revealed.
在1999年,斯坦利·库布里克的朋友和前助理已经透露,他在去世前不久一直计划制作他的第一部儿童电影和第一部二战电影 。
Emilio D'Alessandro, Kubrick's trusted personal assistant and friend for more than 30 years, told the Guardian that the director wanted to tell the story of Pinocchio and to shoot a movie about Monte Cassino, one of the most bitter and bloody battles of the second world war.
埃米利奥·达历桑德罗,库布里克值得信赖的个人助理及30多年的朋友关系,告诉英国卫报,导演想讲述匹诺曹(《木偶奇遇记》的人物)的故事和拍摄二战时期最痛苦和血腥的《卡西诺战役》电影 。
"Stanley was interested in making Pinocchio. He sent me to buy Italian books about [him]," D'Alessandro said. "He wanted to make it in his own way because so many Pinocchios have been made. He wanted to do something really big … He said: 'It would very nice if I could make children laugh and feel happy by making this Pinocchio."
达历桑德罗说"斯坦利对制作匹诺曹很感兴趣,他让我去买了一本关于匹诺曹的意大利语书 。因为已经有很多的匹诺曹形象了,所以他想按自己的方式制作它,想做一些真正的大的....他说:'通过这个匹诺曹能让孩子们笑和感受到幸福,感觉会很棒 。"
Kubrick adored his family, said D'Alessandro and wanted to make a film that his grandchildren would enjoy. He emphasised that this would have been a completely separate project from A.I. Artificial Intelligence, the science-fiction film with a robot version of Pinocchio that Kubrick planned in the early 1990s and which Steven Spielberg later directed.
达历桑德罗说库布里克很爱他的家庭,他想拍摄一部他孙子喜欢的电影,并强调这将完全独立于人工智能,在20世纪90年代库布里克计划的匹诺曹机器人版本的科幻电影,后来史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格导演了此电影 。
D'Alessandro, who was born in Cassino, Italy, recalled Kubrick's interest in its wartime history. Monte Cassino was a mountain redoubt in the German defensive line. It was during the Italian campaign that Allied troops endured the worst close-quarter fighting since the first world war.
达历桑德罗出生在意大利的卡西诺,忆述了库布里克对战时历史很感兴趣,蒙特卡西诺是德国后防线上的山中堡垒,在意大利攻坚战中,它让盟军遭受了自一战以来最不利的近距离攻击 。
"Stanley said that would be an interesting film to make," D'Alessandro recalled. "He asked me to get hold of things … like newspaper cuttings and find out the distance from the airport, train stations. He had a friend who actually bombarded Monte Cassino during the war … It is horrible to remember those days. Everything was completely destroyed."
达历桑德罗回忆到,"斯坦利说那将是一个有趣的电影,他让我得到一些收获...像剪报、查明机场与火车站的距离 。在战争期间,他的一个朋友炮轰了蒙特卡西诺... 那些日子里真是可怕的回忆,一切都被彻底摧毁了" 。