Bruce Springsteen review - 32 songs performed lustily
Bruce Springsteen has his eyes screwed shut. His fists, bound in wristbands, are clenched. Veins are popping in his temples, but not from the happy exertion of a song such as Glory Days, or the even more cardiovascular Born to Run, both of which light up the tail end of tonight's set. He is stock-still, singing almost privately as much as to the 55,000 fans enduring the unrelenting Mancunian drizzle on a cold May evening.
布鲁斯·斯普林斯廷闭上眼睛、拳头紧握、缚紧腕带 。他两鬓静脉爆突,这种快乐的挥洒不仅来自一首《光辉岁月》,而且《天生就会跑》让他更加心血澎湃,这两首歌点亮了今夜的尾声 。55000多的歌迷忍受着曼彻斯特五月夜晚的毛毛细雨时,他仍然静静的站立着忘情的演唱 。
This is The River, the title track of his 1980 double album - his first US No 1, ushering in a decade of superstardom - and it is one of Springsteen's finer songs, bearing witness to ordinary people's travails. Young love goes wrong, foundering on the rocks of responsibility and hardening times. Dreams are remembered with yearning, as a man surveys the dried-up river where love and youth first flourished.
他的双碟专辑的主打歌曲《河》,使他成为美国歌坛的男一号、长达十年的超级明星,这首歌也是斯普林斯汀里好听的歌曲之一,它见证了人们的艰辛 。建立在责任重如磐石和蹉跎岁月之上的年轻人爱情出了问题 。当一个男人向往梦想时,爱情和青春第一次在干涸的河床上蓬勃发展 。
An extra frisson comes from the biographical roots of the song, in Springsteen's own sister's marriage. In falsetto, Springsteen croons a long, ghostly "ooh"-ed lament, taken up at the end by his harmonica.
《一个始料未及的战栗》是源于斯普林斯汀的妹妹婚姻的传记歌曲, 。在假声中,斯普林斯汀用假音低唱了一首长的、幽灵般的"哦哦"的挽歌,最后采用了口琴结尾 。
The next song is even more bleak. On the piano-led but angry Point Blank, Springsteen watches as a girl falls into a squalid trap of a life, beyond the help of his narrator. The forces of perdition have got his love right where they want her: "Bang, bang, you're dead."
接下来那首歌更加黯淡 。在钢琴师愤怒的敲击下,斯普林斯汀注视着一个女孩沉沦肮脏的生活,而他的解说员无能为力,毁灭的力量已夺去了他的爱,在那儿它们要得到她 。好像在说:"砰,砰,你完蛋了 。"