Alan stayed overnight at the best hotel in Blandford Forum – an expedient that would hardly have been approved by his father. (Alan had to account for every penny that he spent: no mere figure of speech, for his letter ended 'Sending back £1-0-1 in £ note and penny stamp.') But the proprietors only charged a nominal amount and saw him off in the morning. Then:
Just near Blandford some nice downs and suddenly merely undulating near all the way here but the last mile was all downhill.
From West Hill he could see his destination: the little Georgian town of Sherborne and the school itself by the abbey.
For a boy of his class to improvise a solution without a fuss was not at all the expected thing. The bicycle journey was regarded with astonishment, and was reported in the local newspaper.13 While Winston Churchill called for the 'unconditional surrender' of the 'enemy' miners, Alan had made the most of the general strike for himself. He had enjoyed two days of freedom outside the usual system. But they were over very quickly. There was a book14 about life at Sherborne, The Loom of Youth by Alec Waugh, and this described the sensations: