Walk by any Starbucks within 100 miles of your house and chances are that you'll see several people sitting at a table, drinking coffee and enjoying the free Wi-Fi.
Starbucks and free Wi-Fi have become synonymous with one another over the past few years — one unable to exists without the other — but the next time you log on to a public coffee shop hotspot, you might want to consider the risks you're taking.
Someone on Quora posed the following question: "How safe is WiFi at Starbucks?" Of course, there's nothing special about the Wi-Fi at Starbucks specifically, but it's a place where nearly everyone has connected at some point.
Here's what network engineer Brent Saner has to say about it:
"It doesn't matter if Starbucks is on WPA, WPA2, WEP (give me 1-4 hours or less and close enough distance to a wifi antenna, I'll break your WPA2... but give me 15 minutes and I'll break your WEP. If you have WPS enabled? 5 minutes - no matter if you use WPA/WPA2 or WEP)..."
"事实上,这跟星巴克选用WPA (Wi-Fi网络安全接入), WPA2 (基于WPA的一种新的加密方式)还是WEP (有线同等保密)没有太大关系。如果给我1到4个小时的时间,并且离WiFi天线足够近的话,我可能能够破解WPA2。给我15分钟的时间,我就可以破解WEP。如果你还启用WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup:Wi-Fi保护设置),那么只需5分钟就可以了。所以,这跟选择WPA, WPA2还是WEP都没有直接联系。 "
He then goes into great detail about exact how he would break into the network and what he might be able to access on your device if he's successful.
One the other hand, computer security engineer David Seidman explains that the chances of being targeted on a random hotspot is unlikely:
"However, the truth is that most users will never be targeted because such an operation is risky and, more importantly, time consuming for the attacker, because the attacker needs to be physically present. Most attackers prefer to operate remotely so they can hit more victims faster. If you are being individually targeted by an intelligence agency, then you might want to worry – but this is the least of your concerns."
So is Starbucks' Wi-Fi safe to use? Not entirely, but you shouldn't let that keep you from logging on and getting some work done.