FT 2016年全球高管教育课程榜单
日期:2016-05-27 15:07


Spain’s Iese Business School has achieved the best performance in the Financial Times rankings of executive education programmes, coming closest of any school since the survey was launched in 1999 to topping both rankings.


Iese not only held on to top place in the ranking of customised programmes aimed at corporate customers, but also climbed one position to second in the ranking of open-enrolment programmes. In doing so, the school also tops the 2016 FT combined ranking of the leading 50 schools for executive education, calculated from both tables. Swiss school IMD climbs to second place after coming third for four years, relegating HEC Paris into third.

Iese商学院不仅在针对企业客户的定制课程排行榜上蝉联第一,而且在开放招生课程排行榜上的排名也攀升了一位,升至第二。因此,该校在根据两项排名表计算出的英国《金融时报》2016年高管教育商学院综合排名前50强中摘得桂冠。瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)在连续4年排名第三后攀升到了第二位,把法国巴黎高等商学院(HEC Paris)挤到第三位。

Executive education offers non-degree programmes, either tailor-made for corporate customers (customised) or available to all working managers -(open-enrolment). This 18th edition of the FT’s executive education rankings includes the best 85 customised programmes and the best 75 open programmes worldwide. The rankings are based on criteria including participants’ and clients’ satisfaction, the diversity of participants and faculty, as well as the schools’ international teaching and students.


While Iese is top for only one criterion — international clients — in the ranking of customised programmes, the Spanish school is in the top five for 11 out of 15 criteria. Its clients particularly value the academics’ expertise. “After many years working with Iese, I continue to be impressed with the freshness of faculty and their approach to each and every programme,” commented one client responding to the FT survey. “Their knowledge of our industry and of the challenges and opportunities we face is exceptional.”


HEC Paris remains in second place in the customised ranking, a position it has held since 2009, while Duke Corporate Education completes the podium. Antai College of Economics & Management enters the top 10 on its second participation in the ranking of customised programmes, jumping six places to ninth. The Shanghai school came top for value for money and likelihood of future use.

自2009年以来,法国巴黎高等商学院一直稳居定制课程排行榜第二,今年也依然如此,杜克企业教育学院(Duke Corporate Education)则位列第三。上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院(Antai College of Economics and Management)今年是第二次参加定制课程的排名,该校跃升6个位置,至第9位,进入前十。该校在物有所值和未来利用可能性方面排在首位。

Alliance Manchester Business School continues its progression, rising 12 places to 36th. Five schools were ranked for the first time, with the highest new entrant, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, entering in 45th place.

阿利安斯曼彻斯特商学院(Alliance Manchester Business School)的排名继续上升,攀升12位,至第36位。有5所商校是首次上榜定制课程排行榜,其中排名最高的是排在第45位的田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(University of Tennessee at Knoxville)。

The ranking of 75 open-enrolment programmes was led by IMD of Switzerland for the fifth year running. Both Iese and Harvard Business School moved up a place to second and third respectively, benefiting from HEC Paris’s fall of six places to eighth.

75项开放课程的排名中,瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院连续5年稳居首位。Iese商学院和哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)都上升了一位,分列二、三名,而巴黎高等商学院下跌6位,至第8位。

Questrom School of Business in Boston recorded the biggest rise, moving up 27 places to 35th, while the UK’s Cambridge Judge Business School climbed 18 places to 32nd. Only three schools feature for the first time, with Ireland’s Smurfit Graduate Business School highest in 69th place.

波士顿大学奎斯特罗姆商学院(Boston University Questrom School of Business)排名上升最多,上升了27位,至第35位,剑桥大学贾奇商学院(Cambridge Judge Business School)上升了18位,至第32位。该项排名只有3所新上榜商校,其中排名最高的是排在第69位的爱尔兰斯默菲特商业研究生院(Smurfit Graduate School of Business)。

European schools occupy the top two places of each ranking. Harvard Business School in the open ranking and Duke Corporate Education in the customised ranking are the top North American schools, both in third place.


How do the regions compare overall on performance? The relative strength of each region (shown in the graphic) is calculated by averaging school ranking scores then adding the total scores by region divided by the average rank.


The relative scores show North American schools as a group fare better overall than their European counterparts for open-enrolment programmes, while European schools stay ahead for customised programmes. Asia comes third in both cases, followed by South America, Oceania and Africa.


In each of these last three regions, one school dominates in executive education. Fundação Dom Cabral near Belo Horizonte in Brazil, Mt Eliza Business School in Melbourne and the Gordon Institute of Business Science in Pretoria lead their regional peers in both rankings.

在上述的最后三个地区,都有一所商校主导了该地区的高管教育。巴西贝洛奥里藏特(Belo Horizonte)市附近的Fundação Dom Cabral(FDC),墨尔本的伊丽莎山商学院以及比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)的戈登商业科学研究院(Gordon Institute of Business Science)分别是它们各自地区在两项排名中都排在最前的商校。
