The empty nests are filling up: For the first time in modern history, young adults ages 18 to 34 are more likely to live with a parent than with a romantic partner, according to a new census analysis by the Pew Research Center.
皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)对人口普查数据进行的一项新分析显示,空巢开始不空了:18到34岁的年轻人更有可能与父母,而非与恋人同住,这在近现代历史上属首次。
Millennials, who have been slower than previous generations to marry and set up their own households, reached that milestone in 2014, when 32.1 percent lived in a parent’s home, compared with 31.6 percent who lived with a spouse or a partner, the report found.
“The really seismic change is that we have so many fewer young adults partnering, either marrying or cohabiting,” said Richard Fry, the Pew economist who wrote the report. “In 1960, that silent generation left home earlier than any generation before or after, because they married so young.”
“真正的巨变是,有伴侣的年轻人少多了,不管是以结婚还是同居的方式,”撰写该报告的皮尤中心经济学家理查德·弗莱(Richard Fry)说。“1960年,沉默的一代离家的时间比之前或之后的任何一代人都早,因为他们结婚太早了。”
But in recent decades, fewer people have been marrying, and those who do are marrying at older ages. In 1960, the median age for a first marriage was 20 for women and 22 for men, and just one in 10 people over 25 had never married. Now, the median ages are 27 and 29, and one in five adults older than 25 has never married. In a 2014 study, Pew projected that a quarter of this generation of young adults might never marry.
“This is neither the best nor the worst development we’ve seen in family life,” said Andrew J. Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University. “It violates our cultural sense of how young adults should live their lives. But in Italy, an even greater percentage live with the parents, and no one sees it as problem. Families can feel closer to each other and have longer times together.”
“这不是我们在家庭生活中看到的最好的发展动向,也不是最坏的,”约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的社会学家安德鲁·J·切尔林(Andrew J. Cherlin)说。“它有违我们关于年轻人应该如何生活的文化理念。但在意大利,与父母同住的年轻人比例甚至更高,没人觉得有问题。家人会觉得彼此之间更亲近,相互陪伴的时间更多了。”
But in some cases, he cautioned, the grown children’s continued presence in the parental home can signal an inability to take the steps needed to become real adults.
“Some young adults have the failure-to-launch syndrome,” he said. “Others are living their own lives, saving money but not having to pay rent while they enroll in grad school or get the internships they need.”
As far back as 1880, romantic coupling was the most common living arrangement for young adults.
While living with parents is now on the rise, the report found, other accommodations, too, are becoming more common. About 22 percent of young adults now live in a dormitory or a prison, or with a relative like a grandparent or a sibling — compared with 13 percent in 1960.
With the growing rates of single parenthood, about 14 percent of young adults — nearly triple the share in 1960 — head their own households, some living with roommates or boarders, others alone or with their young children.
Young men have consistently been more likely to live with their parents than young women have, and that remains true, generally because women marry younger and move out. But now living with parents is on the cusp of becoming the dominant arrangement for young women as well.
“What you tend to see is that racial and ethnic minorities, African-Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, are the most likely to be living in their parent’s home and the least likely to have a partner,” Mr. Fry said, adding that financial difficulties helped explain that finding.
“So you might think that the growing diversification of the population is what accounts for the shift to living with parents,” he continued. “But that doesn’t explain it, since even among white young adults, about 20 percent lived with their parents in 1960, and about 30 percent in 2014. So even if the population had not diversified, we would still see this large increase in living with parents.”