日期:2016-05-26 16:22



Seven-Year-Old Anaya Ellick Proves "Disability Is Not Inability"




To win a national award for handwriting, especially in this digital age, is an achievement in itself. But what makes Anaya Ellick’s accolade extra special is that the seven-year-old accomplished the feat despite having no hands. Even more amazing? The first-grader from Chesapeake, Virginia, who won the prestigious Nicholas Maxim Special Award for Excellence in Manuscript Penmanship, on April 11, does not use prosthetics.


在这个数码时代,手写书法能获得全国水平的奖项,本身就是一种成就Snzec3s)sNXAqqU。自幼失去双臂的7岁小女孩Anaya Ellick通过自己的努力,获得了这样的奖项,是不是更值得赞扬呢?更令人惊叹的是,这位来自佛吉尼亚切萨皮克市的小女孩,在大赛中并没有依靠任何义肢协助NcjDE%HU-L



The young girl who competed in the category for students with special needs had to outshine 50 contestants to win the award. Contest director Kathleen Wright said the judges, many of who are occupational therapists, were "just stunned" by the quality of Anaya's printing. Wright says, "Her writing sample was comparable to someone who had hands."


跟Anaya一同参赛的那组选手都是有残疾的孩子,她要PK掉剩下49名选手才能获奖mVz[7%qb])4lS。大赛主管Kathleen Wright称,很多评委都是这方面的临床专家,他们被Anaya的作品惊叹到了NO_EDkjBQ@。她还补充说,“她的参赛作品简直可以跟正常孩子的作品相媲美&*&.+-,Y&&。”


The award which comes with a Zaner-Bloser gift certificate for Greenbrier Christian Academy and $1,000 USD cash prize and trophy for Anaya, is named after Nicholas Maxim, a fifth grader from Readfield, Maine. In 2011, the young boy who is born without his lower arms, submitted a cursive entry so impressive that Zaner-Bloser decided to create a new category to honor physically challenged kids.


Anaya所在的绿蔷薇基督教学院获得了Zaner-Bloser体书写的证书,而她本人则获得1000美元现金奖励和由Nicholas Maxim命名的奖杯+9VIjPk%4Ey9n。2011年,Zaner-Bloser组织偶然看到一个天生没有小臂的男孩写的草书作品,对此印象深刻,后来就决定在比赛中新开残疾儿童组别MA6&DSrq%a|b58ZQ


Anaya’s proud parents, Bianca Middleton and Gary Ellick say the young girl’s determination and desire to be independent became apparent when she was just an infant. Unable to hold on to her pacifier with her hands, she figured out how to do it by cupping her arms. As a toddler, she learned to eat with a fork and build with blocks. At 5, she managed to perch a crayon or marker between her hands and draw. Though Anaya was fitted with prosthetic arms for a short time, the young girl decided she was better off with her natural ones and discarded them.


Anaya的父母Bianca Middleton和Gary Ellick都为她感到骄傲;Yz=x0=mnr2T。他们说,在Anaya还是婴儿时,就显现出很大决心来克服障碍:没有手来扶奶嘴,她就用手臂来代替双手;再长大一点点,她学会用手臂拿着叉子吃饭,堆东西玩;5岁的时候,她努力学习用手臂拿画笔作画US4pUBTa1Lbx%aJ,。虽然Anaya也曾装过义肢,但后来觉得还是用自己的残肢比较好,就去掉了它们Qe78vIzWGpxUA3vE



  • apparentadj. 明显的,表面上的
  • contestn. 竞赛,比赛 vt. 竞赛,争取 vi. 奋斗
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • disabilityn. 无力,无能,残疾
  • trophyn. 奖品,战利品
  • achievementn. 成就,成绩,完成,达到
  • qualityn. 品质,特质,才能 adj. 高品质的
  • excellencen. 优秀,卓越,优点
  • determinationn. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位
  • accoladen. 赞美,表扬,推崇,武士爵位的授与