沈阳小伙用魔方拼出心上人头像 但表白却惨遭拒绝
日期:2016-05-19 23:45


A Chinese man is back to square one after creating a Rubik's cube portrait as a way of confessing his love to his crush.
Tong Ao'nan, 27, from Shenyang stayed awake through several nights to solve 840 Rubick's cubes to create a likeness of his sweetheart, according to Huanqiu.
Tong told reporters that he was relying on the massive portrait of his lady friend to help him confess his love for her.

沈阳小伙用魔方拼出心上人头像 但表白却惨遭拒绝

No such luck, though. Tong's advances, in spite of his epic artwork, were rejected by the piece's muse.
The self-proclaimed Rubik's cube enthusiast said he got involved with the puzzle game last year and spent a little more than three days piecing together the artwork, which stands at eight and a half feet tall and four feet wide.
Better luck next time, Tong!

  • confessv. 承认,告白,忏悔
  • epicn. 史诗,叙事诗 adj. 史诗的,叙事诗的,宏大的,
  • portraitn. 肖像,画像 adj. (文件页面)竖的
  • massiveadj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • likenessn. 相像,相似物,样子
  • spiten. 恶意,怨恨 vt. 刁难,伤害
  • cuben. 立方体,立方 vt. 求 ... 的立方 adj.
  • enthusiastn. 热心人,热衷者
  • crushv. 压碎,碾碎,压榨 n. 压碎,压榨,拥挤,迷恋