日期:2016-05-18 17:01


5.Dubai is Building the Most Extravagant Entertainment Park in the World
Disney has been eyeing the Middle East as a growing market for its entertainment products for years, but the company announced that it has no plans to open one of its theme parks in the area. However, Dubai is undeterred by this development (or lack of development) and the city has plans to outdo Disney with its very own Dubailand. Construction on the project started in 2003 but it was forced to pause in 2008 when the financial crisis hit. Production resumed in 2013 with an eye for a 2020 opening (the year Dubai is hosting the World Expo) and it was reported that the project cost had ballooned to an estimated $55 billion. However, this is really no surprise as Dubailand is planned to be twice the size of Walt Disney World Resort and it will house multiple theme parks, retail and entertainment outlets, hotels, sporting attractions and many, many hotels in its 107 square mile plot of land.


4.Dubai has a Seven Star Hotel (Kind of)


Many people think of the Burj Al Arab as the world's first seven star hotel. However, while it's true that the Burj is certainly one of the most luxurious hotels a person could ever hope to stay in, the seven star rating is misleading as it doesn't actually exist in any hotel classification system. The hotel is adamant that it has never used the term itself and attributes the mistake to a British journalist who stayed in the Burj when it first opened in 1998. Stating how glamorous and luxurious the Burj is even when compared to other five star hotels, the journalist quipped that it is more like a seven star hotel. The quote apparently stuck in the years since. Nevertheless, the rating is popularly associated with the hotel and some still presume that the extravagant guest services that the Burj has on offer – which includes gold plated iPads, caviar facials, a chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce and servant in every room – somehow supersede the hotel rating classification system. Although it was originally a mistake, it is clearly one which has helped the Burj from a marketing viewpoint over the years.
许多人以为迪拜的帆船酒店是世界上第一个七星级酒店。然而,即便该酒店确实是人们梦寐以求的最豪华的酒店之一,七星之说也只是误导,因为酒店星级的分类系统里并没有七星的说法。对此,帆船酒店矢口否认曾自居为七星,并把这个说法归咎于一位在1998年酒店开业时曾经入住过的英国记者。这位被帆船酒店的魅力与奢华所折服的记者曾调侃说,相比起那些五星级酒店,帆船酒店更象是七星级的。显然,这说法从那以后就深入人心了。不管怎样,这个评价与酒店的日常运作息息相关。很多人仍旧认为,帆船酒店待客的奢华程度(包括镀金的 iPad,鱼子酱面膜,带私人司机的劳斯莱斯,以及每个房间都有专职仆人)已经不是当下酒店的星级分类系统所能含括了。所以,即使一切源于一个口误,从商业宣传的角度来看,这个口误在这些年里无疑已经使帆船酒店名声大噪。

3.The City will be Home to an Underwater Hotel


The Hydropolis will be world's first multi-room underwater hotel and also one of the most expensive hotels even built. The lower levels of the huge, jellyfish-shaped hotel will contain suites which are situated 20m under the Persian Gulf, and the Hydropolis will also be home to many luxury amenities such as a grand ballroom, cinema, bars and beauty spas. Sadly, like so many of Dubai's most ambitious projects the hotel is currently under construction and it's facing an uncertain future as it tries to find investment and funding so it can finally be completed.

2.The City has Man-Made Islands


One of the most impressive landmarks in Dubai is its artificially constructed islands. Created by dredging up sand from the bottom of the Persian Gulf and spraying it out from huge dredging ships, the two Palm Islands are appropriately shaped like palm trees and are truly a breath-taking sight in a city which offers so many architectural marvels. Unsurprisingly, they are a coveted real estate hotspot as well as one of Dubai's most popular tourist attractions.

1.The Height of the Burj Khalifa Caused a Fasting Dilemma during Ramadan


With a height of 2,722 ft., the Burj Khalifa skyscraper is the tallest man-made structure in the world. The habitable half-mile tower is so tall that Muslims who live in the upper floors have to wait longer to break their fasting during Ramadan because they can see the sun for longer than those who are on the ground. Dubai's clerics advised residents above the 80th floor to wait an extra two minutes and those above the 150th floor to wait an extra three minutes before they broke their fast during the holy month.

审校:喵喵 编辑:凯珊 来源:前十网

  • themen. 题目,主题
  • plotn. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地, v. 绘图,密谋,
  • constructionn. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物
  • resortn. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借 vi. 诉诸,常去
  • quoten. 引用 v. 引述,举证,报价
  • adamantadj. 非常坚硬的,强硬的,固执的 n. 坚硬无比之物
  • uncertainadj. 不确定的
  • misleadingadj. 令人误解的
  • classificationn. 分类,分级
  • ambitiousadj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的