An unprecedented influx of Chinese money into US real estate is slowing following moves by Beijing to restrict the amount of funding leaving the country, according to a report.
In recent years a tide of Chinese money has hit global property markets, with buyers from the country now the largest single group of foreign investors in residential property in the US, UK and Australia. But after inflows of $110bn into US real estate between 2010 and 2015, investment in residential American property is expected to drop in the next two years, according to the report by the US-based Asia Society and the Rosen Consulting Group.
近年来,一股中国资金潮扑向全球房地产市场,如今中国买家是美国、英国和澳大利亚住宅物业的最大境外投资者群体。但是,根据总部位于美国的亚洲协会(Asia Society)和罗森咨询集团(Rosen Consulting Group)的报告,在2010年至2015年期间1100亿美元流入美国房地产之后,预计未来两年对美国住宅房地产的投资将会下降。
Following record outflows of capital last year, Chinese authorities have tightened enforcement of existing capital controls and made it more difficult for Chinese companies to invest abroad.
Chinese nationals are permitted to convert only $50,000 worth of renminbi per year. Those seeking to spend more abroad used workarounds such as pooling allowances or using a Chinese credit card overseas, but the state foreign exchange regulator has clamped down on such practices. Banks had also been permitted to help customers transfer money abroad, but it is now harder to win the necessary official approval for large transfers.
Wealthy Chinese have looked overseas to diversify their assets outside the overheating domestic property market. Price rises of almost 60 per cent year on year have stoked fears that localised bubbles may be on the verge of bursting. Local governments in top cities such as Shenzhen and Shanghai have moved to stem the rises, making it more difficult to purchase second homes.
Money flowing into prime overseas markets has prompted a backlash in some countries, with the governments of Australia and Singapore, for example, imposing restrictions on overseas buyers after local residents complained of being priced out of the market.
The authors of the report, who expect Chinese investment in US residential property to drop from $28.6bn in 2015 to about $24bn in 2020, believe the fall-off will ease upward pressure on prices.
“Chinese buyers are very aggressive bidders, and if you take one aggressive bidder away, it changes the whole complexion of bids,” said Arthur Margon, a partner at Rosen Consulting Group. “There will be less upward pressure on property prices during this two- to three-year hiatus.”
“中国买家是非常咄咄逼人的竞价者,少了这样一个咄咄逼人的竞价者,整个竞价的局面就会改变,”罗森咨询集团合伙人亚瑟•马刚(Arthur Margon)表示。“在这2至3年的间隙期间,房价的上行压力将会小一些。”
Anecdotal evidence suggests the pattern of Chinese investments may also be changing in other prime overseas markets. “We saw Chinese buyers coming into the UK residential market last year in a big way,” said one manager at a London-based real estate investment firm, who said prices for properties worth more than £5m had been pushed even higher. “But interest has flattened off since the beginning of the year, leading to prices of high-end properties moderating in London and New York.”
Frederic Neumann, co-head of Asian Economic Research at HSBC, said: “Chinese regulators are scrutinising deals in part because they want to prevent splurging on unviable investments — officials look at Japan in the 1980s when investors poured money abroad and got burnt. China is still in foreign exchange preservation mode, and is going with a tooth comb through capital outflows.”
汇丰(HSBC)亚洲经济研究联席主管范力民(Frederic Neumann)表示:“中国监管机构正在密切关注一些交易,部分原因是他们希望阻止国内人士在不可行的投资上挥霍;官员们看到日本在上世纪80年代的行为,当时日本投资者大举向国外投资,结果遭受损失。中国仍处于外汇储藏模式,难免要对资本外流进行控管。”