The case for the prosecution: George Soros, who is considerably richer than you, says China’s debts remind him eerily of the US pre-2008. The defence: people often say this sort of thing, and China always shrugs it off.
控方的理由是:比你富有得多的乔治•索罗斯(George Soros)说,中国的债务诡异地让他联想起美国在2008年前的情形。辩方的理由是:人们经常这么说,而中国总能安然无恙。
Sure, its borrowing generates remarkably scary numbers. With every flavour included — households, local and central government, corporate — HSBC puts debt at 249 per cent of GDP. Annual credit growth is 15 per cent, twice that of nominal GDP. Central government is obscurely entwined in much of it, backing state-owned enterprises and local municipalities.
But the defence has some strong points. Being much poorer, China has much more potential to grow than pre-crisis America. It finances its own debts, more or less: households lend to banks, who lend to corporates — the reverse of the subprime wheeze.
In contrast to the US, years of trade surpluses have left China with ample foreign reserves. Its capital markets are volatile, but nothing like the Wild West of runaway securitisation seen in the US circa 2008. Debt is still largely held on banks’ balance sheets. And those banks look safe enough. At 12.9 per cent, Industrial and Commercial Bank has a common equity tier one capital ratio in the same ballpark as JPMorgan.
The defence wins. China is not pre-crisis America. Those who hear history rhyme too well are usually not listening closely. Although a country cannot indefinitely increase its debts twice as fast as GDP, predicting the nature and timing of the end is a mug’s game.
A more pertinent worry is that China’s debt spigot sends credit flowing to unproductive places: inefficient SOEs, sectors struggling with overcapacity, property. This slows down reform, and the more debt, the harder the eventual move towards freer capital markets.
Don’t worry, HSBC says. The latest credit upsurge has gone into infrastructure, and property in areas where people want houses. Since 2014, Beijing has chivvied local authorities into swapping opaque shadow finance for more transparent municipal bonds. A heretical thought: China’s debt binge does not have to end in catastrophe.