The US stock market is set to hit a new milestone on Thursday, surpassing the postwar boom as the second-longest sustained period of rising share prices, even as questions intensify about the health of corporate profits.
It comes in a week when statements from central banks in the US and Japan will be heavily scrutinised for the extent of official support for asset prices, highlighting the parallel boom in safe securities such as government debt.
The longest sustained US rally apart from the bull market of 1987 to 2000 highlights a conundrum: stock market valuations imply a future of rosy profits and economic optimism at the same time as sovereign bonds are priced for a stagnant world of diminished opportunity and minimal inflation.
Laurence Mutkin, global head of G10 rates strategy at BNP Paribas, said the twin rallies were the result of the paradox of official programmes of bond buying, or quantitative easing.
法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)十国集团利率策略全球主管劳伦斯•穆特金(Laurence Mutkin)表示,股债双牛是由官方债券购买计划(即量化宽松计划)的悖论造成的。
“The bond market is not just the barometer of market expectations it is also a policy tool for central banks,” he said. “That means prices don’t just reflect investor views of the underlying economy.”
Analysts forecast the earnings of S&P 500 companies to fall 7 per cent in the first quarter of 2016, compared to the same period the year before, according to Thomson Reuters.
汤森路透(Thomson Reuters)的数据显示,分析师预计标准普尔500指数(S&P 500)成份股企业2016年首季度利润同比下降7%。
From the March 2009 low point US stocks will have risen for 2,607 days on Thursday, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch, surpassing the long expansion of June 1949 to August 1956.
美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的数据显示,到本周四,美国股市始于2009年3月低点的这轮牛市的持续天数将达到2607天,超过1949年6月至1956年8月的那轮“长牛”。