The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time By Arianna Huffington WH Allen £16.99
《睡眠革命》(The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time) 阿里安娜•赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)著,WH Allen出版,售价16.99英镑。
In April 2007 Arianna Huffington fell over. The journalist, multimillionaire, networker, ex-politician, author and all-round celebrity had got herself overtired. She banged her cheek as she went down. There was some blood.
In the nine intervening years she has turned this tumble into not only an industry but an entire movement. There has been a TED talk, countless media appearances and workshops. Two years ago she published Thrive and now The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time.
In what her publishers call a “deeply personal exploration of sleep” she tells and retells the story of her fall. She also tells us some other less remarkable ones. She owns some pink pyjamas. And when her daughter ate lots of salty popcorn and watched Ghostbusters she didn’t sleep so well.
As a life-long sleep hysteric I both revere and deplore the book.
Her central point is quite right: too little sleep isn’t good for us. When we don’t sleep well we are bad tempered, inclined to crash the car, look peaky and can’t do our jobs properly. She argues rightly that it is time to stop boasting about how little sleep we get and brag about how much we get instead.
And yet the tone of the book is all wrong. On the cover Huffington is pictured in a white suit with power shoulders and flowing skirt, seated on a punishingly hard single bed. Weird sleep angel, is the general idea. In the 300 pages that follow, she makes her point with a relentlessness that undermines her case. Good research is spoilt by scaremongering. She tells us that losing an hour’s sleep a week puts us at increased risk of heart attack. Even more moronically she quotes the figure that says too little sleep costs the economy $2,280 per worker per year.
The more she insists that not getting eight hours wrecks our relationships, our looks, our sex life, gives us cancer, heart attacks and diabetes, makes us flunk exams and fail at pretty much everything, the more you want to protest that actually being a bit weary isn’t the end of the world.
She scans the past — telling us that it was the industrial revolution that did for our sleep — and the future, in which she predicts a new sleepy era is under way. Sports coaches, supermodels and various companies are all starting to see the importance of sleep. A golden age of sleep, she insists, is about to dawn.
I wish she were right. I also wish that she had a slightly broader notion of what it is to be sleepless. She understands only the sort of exhaustion that comes from setting up a website, running for political office and never being off the television.
I also wish Huffington understood more the blessed relief that can come from occasional visits to the medicine chest.
As a result of reading a marathon sleep nag, my anxiety levels about not sleeping have not gone down. I’m not meditating; I’m not trying lavender pillows, but I am following Huffington in one big way. I have banished all screens from the bedroom.
In the five nights since I finished the book it has made a difference. If I can keep it up, she will have transformed my life, just a little bit.