When Grace Seidel dies, she’s not goingto be buried in a cemetery. She won’t be crematedeither. In fact, none of the usual options have ever really felt right to her,she says.
格蕾丝·赛德尔(Grace Seidel)去世时,她不会被葬在公墓里,也不会被火化。事实上,她觉得任何一种目前通行的办法都似乎不太对她的路子。
“When you think about cremation, even when you’re dead itfeels so violent to be burned in this oven. With burial you’re filledwith chemicals and put in several boxes in the ground and I always knew I didn’t want to dothat.”
But recently, Seidel found what she waslooking for –a process that is gentle, natural and environmentally friendly.Seidel’s body will be composted when she dies.
Seidel, a 55-year-old writer and artistliving in Seattle, says she’s long been interested in death, and when hermother moved into elderly care it became hard to escape the question of whathappens to a person’s body after they pass away. “You’re constantly being facedwith the dying,”she says, “so it’s hard not to think about it. I’ve thought about ita lot in the last couple of years.”
Seidel first learned about the idea in abook called Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by the mortician Caitlin Doughty. In thebook, Doughty talks about the Urban Death Project, a space for compostingbodies. “I immediately said to myself ‘Yes! That’s for me! That would be theway to go.’”So she contacted Katrina Spade, the designer behind the project.
化作春泥更护花赛德尔起初在入殓师凯特林·道蒂(Caitlin Doughty)撰写的《你眼中的迷雾》(Smoke Gets in Your Eyes)这本书中了解到了这个办法。在书中,道蒂谈及了一个“城市逝者计划”(Urban Death Project),一个分解尸体的空间。“我立刻对自己说,”是的!我喜欢!这就是我要做的事情。“因此她立即联系了该项目的设计师卡特丽娜·斯佩德(Katrina Spade)。
Like Seidel, Spade was prompted to thinkabout death because of her family. “I had one of those epiphanies that I thinkmost people have: ‘Oh my God, I’m going to die some day.’ I had some youngkids, and something about having kids makes you feel really mortal, and theygrow so fast and you think oh my God, time is flying by.” So Spade started thinkingabout what she would want done with her own body when she died, and realisedshe wasn’t sure. She wasn’t religious, had no ties to a specific cultural ritual,and the more she looked into the funeral industry the less she liked any of theoptions.
Ultimately, she came up with the UrbanDeath Project, a composting system that turns bodies into rich soil that can goback to loved ones and the community. The Urban Death Project isn’t yet areality; it’s still in the planning stages. But Spade says she’s already hadpeople, like Seidel, express interest and ask to sign up, and she hopes to getthe project up and running in the coming years.
Spade says she doesn’t want to stop anybodyfrom being buried or cremated, if that’s what they want to do. But she saysthat composting provides a method that is both environmentally friendly, andmeaningful in a way that other methods might not be for some people. “Honestly Ithink what the system is providing is really simple but very deep meaning –when youdie you can grow new life. It’s as simple as that.”
For Seidel, that return to the earth is thekey. “I’m a gardener, I love gardening, I love being outside and I love mydirt. It seemed to me to be so gentle, just a gentle way of calmly and gentlyand non-violently returning back to the earth.” Seidel says that she almostthinks of it as a strange kind of health resort. “I don’t lay in my dirt in mybackyard, I’m not that much of a weirdo, but sometimes I’ve thought about theconcept of a spa with really clean dirt,” she says. “Wouldn’t that be pleasant tobe laying in some warm sterile soil and resting in it? That’s kind ofhow I see composting –sort of like a spa experience for the dead.”