Chinese bond defaults by state-owned enterprises are on the rise, heightening investor anxiety that is creating difficulties for other companies aiming to sell debt.
Since the start of April, two SOEs have missed scheduled bond payments, while a third suspended trading of its notes, warning of difficulty making a payment due in May.
For years bond defaults were unheard of in China’s onshore corporate bond market, with the government reliably stepping in to bail out troubled issuers. The first-ever onshore corporate bond default occurred in March 2014 when privately owned Chaori Solar missed an interest payment.
债券违约在中国在岸公司债券市场曾经在多年期间是闻所未闻的事情,政府总会在关键时刻介入,救助陷入困境的发行人。在岸公司债券的第一例违约发生在2014年3月,当时民营的超日太阳能(Chaori Solar)未能支付一笔利息。
The first SOE default, by power equipment manufacturer Baoding Tianwei, came last April. Now defaults are accelerating, as the slowdown in Chinese manufacturing and construction hits cash flows in industries such as steel and coal.
第一例国企违约发生在去年4月,违约的发行人是电力设备制造商保定天威(Baoding Tianwei)。如今,随着中国制造业和建筑业放缓重创钢铁和煤炭等行业的现金流,违约正在加快发生。
The defaults are also creating fundraising difficulties for other would-be borrowers. In the first 12 days of April, at least 18 bond issues worth a combined Rmb17.8bn ($2.8bn) were cancelled, according to a tally of public filings by China Business News. That follows 62 cancellations worth Rmb44.8bn in March. In total, 12 publicly issued bonds have defaulted since 2014, according to Haitong Securities.
这些违约还在给其他潜在借款人带来融资困难。根据《第一财经日报》(China Business News)对公开申报的统计,在4月的头12天,至少18笔债券发行被取消,总价值达到178亿元人民币(合28亿美元)。此前在3月份已有62笔债券发行被取消,总价值达到448亿元人民币。据海通证券(Haitong Securities)介绍,自2014年以来已有12只公开发行的债券发生违约。
“The sudden chill in the primary market last week and the recent outbreak of credit risk incidents are closely related,” Lian Haixia, analyst at China Chengxin International Ratings, wrote yesterday. “The continuous fermenting of credit risk has sparked a negative mood among investors.”
The speed with which recent defaults have emerged has surprised the market. Dongbei Special Steel Group, owned by the government of Liaoning province in China’s rust-belt north-east, defaulted on Rmb1bn in paper that matured on April 5.
近期违约发生的速度出乎市场意料。地处中国东北锈带的辽宁省政府拥有的东北特钢集团(Dongbei Special Steel Group) 4月5日到期的10亿元人民币超短期融资券发生违约。
Those notes were sold three months ago. Dongbei Special previously missed a Rmb852m bond payment due on March 28, days after disclosing that Yang Hua, chairman, was found dead at his home. The company has another Rmb2bn in notes due this year.
Government-owned China Railway Materials said on Monday it had asked to suspend trading of its bonds, warning its business was in decline. The company said it was working on a plan to ensure debt repayment. China Railway, which sold six-month paper as recently as January 26, has Rmb1bn in bonds maturing on May 17.
国有的中国铁路物资(China Railway Materials)本周一表示,已申请暂停其债券的交易,警告其业务正在萎缩。该公司表示,正在努力制定一项计划,以确保偿还债务。今年1月26日刚发行六个月期债券的中国铁路物资,有10亿元人民币的债券将在5月17日到期。
Shanxi Huayu Energy, a unit of central government-owned China National Coal Group, defaulted on Rmb638m in principal and interest due April 6 on paper sold a year ago. The company has another Rmb1.5bn in bonds maturing this year.
央企中煤集团(China National Coal Group)旗下山西华昱能源(Shanxi Huayu Energy)一年前发售、4月6日到期的6.38亿元人民币债券本息发生违约。该公司今年还有15亿元人民币债券到期。
Many economists say SOE defaults are healthy for the long-term development of China’s debt market because they reduce moral hazard caused by the widespread assumption of a limitless government backstop for the bond market.