This is the tear-jerking moment when a four-month-old smiled in delight after seeing his mother clearly for the first time in his life.
Leopold Wilbur Reppond, known as Leo, suffers from a rare disorder called oculocutaneous albinism which leaves him with extremely bad vision.
The condition affects the color of a person's hair, skin and eyes and means that the youngster is unable to see properly.
His parents sought treatment and got special infant glasses.
After a momentary bit of confusion as the spectacles are placed on him, he looks up at his mother who says: "Hi honey". He makes eye contact with her and then immediately reacts by smiling. He even begins giggling as she continues to talk to him.
Leo's film producer father David, 39, said 'cuteness went through the roof' when his son smiled for the first time, adding that there 'wasn't a dry eye in the house'.
'I had some issues holding the camera because I was crying so much,' David said. 'I was overwhelmed with emotion. It's just very touching. You cannot anticipate how you're going to feel when something like that happens. It was very heartwarming.'