吃货看过来! 盘点世界十佳街头小吃(下)
日期:2016-04-15 16:33


5.Quesadilla, Mexico
First of all, forget everything you think you know about quesadillas. A microwaved flour tortilla stuffed with cheddar cheese is about as authentically Mexican as a Dorito Loco taco from Taco Bell. When my wife and I lived in Mexico, we discovered that the soul of real Mexican food is masa, the ground-corn dough — not wheat flour — that's used to make soft corn tortillas for tacos, steamed tamales, gorditas, and innumerable regional antojitos, Mexican street snacks with deep indigenous roots.


A real Mexican quesadilla starts with that freshly ground corn masa. A large hunk of soft dough is pressed or rolled into a rough circle and laid on a hot griddle. The basic version is filled with shredded Chihuahua or Oaxacan string cheese and folded over into a half moon. But why stop with cheese? At Mexican street stalls, you'll find mouth-watering fillings like potato and crumbled chorizo sausage, nopal (cactus), squash blossoms, sautéed mushrooms, huitlacoche(an earthy corn fungus), refried beans, and all varieties of grilled or slow-cooked meats. I've found that real-deal quesadillas are best enjoyed on a wobbly wooden bench inside a bustling open-air market with a healthy dollop of salsa verde (the tomatillo-based green salsa) and an icy agua fresca, a sugary fruit juice in every imaginable flavor ladled from giant plastic jugs.

4.Crepes and Galettes, France


For a country that invented fine dining, the crepe is astonishingly simple. There are two basic varieties, the savory galette made from dark buckwheat flour and the white-flour crepe reserved for sweet treats. Both were traditionally eaten in Brittany in the northwest of France, but immigrants from the region brought the quick-cooked griddle cakes to Paris, where everyone from street vendors to Michelin-starred restaurants, serve the classic dish.
The traditional filling for a savory galette is country ham and melted Gruyere cheese washed down by a dry cider. The complète version of the galette includes a fried egg with a sumptuously runny yolk. For a sweet crepe, there's always the hazelnut-chocolate spread Nutella (my personal favorite) or strawberries and cream, but don't miss out on salted caramel or the simple pleasure of powdered sugar.

3.Banh Mi, Vietnam


The banh mi is the world's best sandwich. Hands down. The Cubans make a mean cubano and it's hard to argue with an Italian panini, but if you want to know what heaven on bread tastes like, hop the next flight to Hanoi and sink your teeth into one of these French-Vietnamese beauties.
Vietnam was once a French colonial outpost and arguably the only good thing that came out of that chapter of Vietnamese history was the banh mi. A world-class banh mi starts with the bread, a fresh-baked mini baguette. The baguette is sliced lengthwise and slathered in mayonnaise and a thin spread of pâté. So far, so French. But here's where things get interesting. The meat of choice is usually barbecued pork, although Vietnamese-style pork meatballs, pork "roll" or Vietnamese salami are other solid choices. Then the veggies: thin-sliced cucumber, pickled daikon radish and carrots, a handful of cilantro and enough chili sauce (or straight chili peppers) to make you sweat.

2.Burek, Bosnia-Herzegovina


The Bosnian people didn't invent burek, but by all accounts they've perfected it. This tubular flaky pastry stuffed with ground meat arrived in the Balkans by way of Turkey, where it's called borek.
In Bosnia, meat-filled burek is only one type of pita, the term for all rolled and stuffed pastries. Other varieties include a spinach-and-feta pita called zeljanica, an egg-and-cheese version called sirnica and a potato-and-onion-filled krompirusa. A sweet version with apples and cinnamon is called jabukara. The best pita are still made by hand in Sarajevo, the impossibly thin dough rolled and flipped into wide ovals, then painted with oil and rolled gently around the chosen filling. (One local opined that the dough should be as soft as an earlobe.) The tubes of stuffed dough are then coiled into circles or lined up in tight rows before entering the oven until the top layers brown and blister and the savory center remains chewy and warm.

1.Falafel, Israel


Falafel has become an international street food staple, the golden fried chickpea balls as ubiquitous on the streets of Paris as in New York City. But the undisputed king of falafel is Israel, particularly the modern coastal metropolis of Tel Aviv. Here you can get a warm, thick, oversized pita stuffed with fresh-fried falafel and all the fixin's any time day or night.
Falafel originated in Egypt and spread throughout the Middle East before Israelis adopted it as their national food in the late 20th century. The classic Israeli falafel is a fritter of ground chickpea spiced with cumin, coriander, paprika, raw garlic, onion, and lots of fresh parsley. The basic toppings are tahini sauce and an Israeli salad of chopped tomato and cucumber. At Tel Aviv falafel stands, you can also add hummus, pickled veggies, roasted eggplant salad, feta cheese, French fries (just stuff 'em in) and a wide assortment of adventurous hot sauces. I remember my first Tel Aviv falafel, steps from the beach and only hours off the plane. Confronted by the overwhelming topping choices, I did the only reasonable thing: add a little of everything. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

审稿:橘子 编辑:橘子 校对:王玲 来源:前十网

  • benchn. 长凳,工作台,法官席 vt. 坐(在长凳上)
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • circlen. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘旋,包围
  • turkeyn. 土耳其 turkey n. 火鸡,笨蛋,失败之作
  • sweatn. 汗,汗水 v. (使)出汗 n. (凝结在物
  • sinkn. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器 vi. 下沉,下落,
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • flavorn. 滋味,香料,风格 vt. 加味于
  • indigenousadj. 本地的,土生土长的,天生的
  • planeadj. 平的,与飞机有关的 n. 飞机,水平,水准,刨