The “increasingly disappointing” world economy is facing the threat of a “synchronised slowdown” and mounting risks including another bout of financial market turmoil and a political backlash against globalisation, the International Monetary Fund warned.
In its semi-annual World Economic Outlook, the IMF yesterday reduced its global growth forecast for 2016 by 0.2 percentage points to 3.2 per cent, downgrading its expectations for a wide range of advanced and emerging economies.
在昨日发表的半年度《世界经济展望》(World Economic Outlook)中,IMF把2016年全球经济增长预测下调0.2个百分点,至3.2%,并调降了其对多个发达和新兴经济体的预期。
The IMF said the world economy was increasingly vulnerable to “downside risks” including further market turmoil in the wake of this year’s China-led downturn as well as the political consequences of lacklustre growth since the 2008 global financial crisis. “Growth has been too slow for too long,” said Maurice Obstfeld, the IMF’s chief economist, warning of a widespread sense that too many people were being left behind.
IMF表示,世界经济越来越容易受到“下行风险”的冲击,包括市场在今年初遭遇中国开启的跌势之后的进一步动荡,以及2008年全球金融危机爆发后增长乏力的政治后果。“经济增长太慢,而且持续太久了,”IMF首席经济学家莫里斯•奥布斯特菲尔德(Maurice Obstfeld)表示。他警告称,目前各方普遍感觉有太多人落在后面。
“Across Europe the political consensus that once propelled the European project is fraying,” he said, arguing that the refugee crisis and recent terrorist attacks had combined with economic pressures, including stagnant wages, to lead to a “rising tide of inward-looking nationalism”.
He said that in the US a backlash against globalisation “threatens to halt or even reverse the postwar trend of evermore open trade”.
In a sign of its concern, the IMF called for policymakers in large economies to identify policies “that could be implemented quickly if there are signs that global downside risks are about to materialise” to prevent a slip back into global recession.
The IMF said that the threat of synchronised slowdown required “bold multilateral actions to boost growth and contain risks at this critical stage of the global recovery”.
Its gloomy forecasts include downgrades for the growth prospects of large economies ranging from the US, which it now expects to grow by just 1.9 per cent this year, to Japan (0.5 per cent), the euro area (2.4 per cent) and the UK, which it also expects to slow to 1.9 per cent growth this year.
The one bright spot among big economies was China, which the IMF said it now believed would grow 6.5 per cent in 2016, up from its previous forecast of 6.3 per cent growth, thanks to short-term stimulus measures pushed through by Beijing to meet politically loaded growth targets. But even that came with a caveat. The IMF said it was downgrading its longer-term forecasts for China as the better short-term picture was built on expanding credit and other unhealthy policies that would come at a cost to growth later.