悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第96期:如何才能"心如止水"
日期:2016-04-18 18:37


By contrast with this practical pessimism, Socrates is the prototype of the theoretical optimist who, with his faith that the nature of things can be fathomed, ascribes to knowledge and insight the power of a panacea, while understanding error as the evil par excellence.
To fathom the depths and to separate true knowledge from appearance and error, seemed to Socratic man the noblest, even the only truly human vocation.
And since Socrates, this mechanism of concepts, judgments, and inferences has been esteemed as the highest occupation and the most admirable gift of nature, above all other capacities.
Even the most sublime ethical deeds, the stirrings of pity, self-sacrifice, heroism, and that calm sea of the soul, so difficult to attain, which the Apollinian Greek called sophrosune, were derived from the dialectic knowledge by Socrates and his like-minded successors, down to the present, and accordingly designated as teachable.

  • excellencen. 优秀,卓越,优点
  • occupationn. 职业,侵占,居住
  • sublimeadj. 高尚的,壮观的,卓越的 vt. 提高,变高尚,
  • designatedadj. 特指的;指定的
  • attainv. 达到,获得
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • panacean. 万灵药,灵丹妙药
  • mechanismn. 机制,原理 n. 机械,机构,结构
  • vocationn. 职业,行业,职务
  • admirableadj. 令人钦佩的,令人赞赏的