和颐酒店女生遇袭事件反思: 女子在外遇袭如何自救1
日期:2016-04-07 09:24


4月3日一女子在某酒店入住时,被陌生男子跟踪后强行拖拽, 整个过程持续五六分钟,没有任何安保人员和酒店管理人员出面阻止。直到围观者逐渐增多,一名女房客搭救,才没有受到更大的伤害。该女子@弯弯_2016 4月5日在微博爆料了她所遭遇到的一切,该事件瞬间刷爆朋友圈和各大社交媒体热门头条,网民们也都呼吁女孩独自外出旅行时一定要注意自我防范。全文看到每个人心惊肉跳有没有!


  1.Make a Scene


  If an individual is being physically attacked the first thing to do in order to prevent further injuries is to make a scene. The individual being attacked should scream as loud as possible and try to gain the attention of others around them so that they can get help. The more noise one makes, the more likely it will be that someone will help.


  2.Fight Your Attacker if Safe to Do So


  People may be amazed to find the strength that they possess in the midst of being physically attacked. Some may find that they will kick, punch, scratch or do whatever is necessary to break free from the grasp of the attacker. However, each situation is different and the individual being attacked may feel that it is best to cooperate so as to prevent possible serious injury or death. One must analyze their individual situation to determine what the best way to proceed may be.


  3.Try All Possible Ways to Get to Safety


  The victim should always be thinking of the best way to free themselves from their attacker. Whether they divert the attention of the attacker or strike out at them to throw them off guard, it is important to get to safety as soon as possible so that the attack will stop.


  4.Call the Police and Obtain Medical Attention


  Once the individual has freed themselves from the attacker, they should go directly to the nearest police station and file a report. The sooner they get to the police station, the fresher the information will be in their minds and the more likely it will be that the police officers can locate and arrest the attacker.


  5.Consider Counseling


  Being the victim of a physical attack can leave an individual feeling scared, vulnerable and uneasy. Counseling is something which may help to alleviate these problems caused by the physical attack.


  • vulnerableadj. 易受伤害的,有弱点的
  • cooperatevi. 合作,协力
  • determinev. 决定,决心,确定,测定
  • screamn. 尖叫声 v. 尖叫,大笑
  • punchn. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打 n. (酒、水、糖等制成的)
  • divertvt. 转移,使欢娱 vi. 转移
  • proceedvi. 继续进行,开始,着手
  • possessvt. 持有,支配
  • locatevt. 把 ... 设置在,使坐落于,找出 vi. 住下
  • scenen. 场,景,情景