长江刀鱼明年起或禁捕 食客争饱口福价格飙升
日期:2016-04-06 19:02


A regulation in the pipeline that would ban fishing for knife fish in the Yangtze River has created an unprecedented surge of interest in Shanghai to eat what could be the last bite of the river delicacy, pushing the price up of the already expensive fish.
The prices are double last year's and more than at any time during the past four years. Knife fish weighing less than 100 g each sell for around RMB4,000 per kg. Bigger fish sell for as much as RMB12,000 per kg.
One veteran restaurant worker said she had never seen so much interest in the fish.

长江刀鱼明年起或禁捕 食客争饱口福价格飙升

"I have been working here since I graduated from middle school more than 40 years ago, and we have never had so many customers," said the woman, a cashier at the Lao Ban Zhai restaurant who gave her surname as Liu.
The historic eatery, which was founded in 1904, has long been famous for its steamed knife fish and knife fish with noodle soup in Shanghai and beyond.
The number of bowls of fish soup noodle being sold "has been picking up every day, especially since this week", Liu told China Daily on last Tuesday, adding that the restaurant sold more than 1,100 bowls during dinner.
Late in December, the Ministry of Agriculture issued a document soliciting public opinion on listing knife fish and shad in the Yangtze as protected species. If the change is passed, this year could be the last that people will legally be able to eat the fish, which is considered to be one of the top four delicacies from the river.

  • regulationn. 规则,规章,管理 adj. 规定的,官方的
  • pipelinen. 管道,管线
  • cashiern. 出纳员,收银员 vt. 解职,丢弃
  • unprecedentedadj. 空前的,前所未有的
  • delicacyn. 柔软,精致,佳肴
  • documentn. 文件,公文,文档 vt. 记载,(用文件等)证明
  • speciesn. (单复同)物种,种类
  • surgen. 汹涌,澎湃 v. 汹涌,涌起,暴涨 v. [海]放