China’s economic growth will only reach the lower end of its own projections and its slowdown risks weighing on the rest of Asia, according to a report from the Asian Development Bank.
亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank,简称:亚开行)的一份报告显示,今年中国经济增速将只能达到该国自身预测区间的底端,而且中国增长的放缓可能会拖累亚洲其余地区。
The ADB’s flagship Asia Development Outlook 2016 forecast that China’s economy would grow at 6.5 per cent this year and 6.3 per cent next year, compared with Beijing’s expectations of between 6.5 and 7 per cent for 2016 and an average of 6.5 per cent over the next five years.
亚开行旗舰经济报告《2016年亚洲发展展望》(Asia Development Outlook 2016)预计,今年中国经济将增长6.5%,明年增长6.3%。而中国政府对今年经济增速的预期为6.5%到7%,对今后五年平均增速的预期为6.5%。
The slowdown in the region’s biggest economy has knocked as much as 0.3 percentage points off the outlook for developing Asian economies because of the region’s trade and supply chain links, the ADB said.
“[China’s] growth moderation and [the] uneven global recovery are weighing down overall growth in Asia,” said Shang-Jin Wei, ADB chief economist, who added that in spite of this, the region would still contribute more than 60 per cent of global growth this year.
the ADB said the country’s wider economic impact was still largely limited to the region, with any negative effects of the country’s slowdown elsewhere in the world offset by gains from lower commodity prices.
Should China experience the sort of hard landing that investors feared in January — classed as “unlikely” by the ADB — the global economy would be hit much harder, knocking up to 1.8 percentage points off worldwide growth.
The report also highlighted the complexity of China’s economic relationships in the region as supply chains evolve. While manufacturing powerhouses such as South Korea have lost market share as China has moved up the value chain, others such as Vietnam have benefited from taking over lower-end production from its giant neighbour.
China will continue to struggle as it shifts from investment-led growth to an economy where consumption plays a larger role, the ADB said. Last year services and consumption accounted for 4.6 percentage points of China’s overall growth, up from 3.7 in 2014.
However, the ADB warned that governments around the region, including China, needed to focus far more on boosting productivity.
“Potential growth depends on both the growth of the labour force and the growth of labour productivity,” said Mr Wei. “While altering demographics is not something that can be accomplished within a few years, many developing economies still have tremendous room to use structural reforms to remove distortions in the labour, capital and land markets.”