当欧美童话邂逅东方画风 别有一番风情
日期:2016-03-27 08:20


It’s been a year since the release of the mega hit animation Frozen, but as much as some of us can’t wait for it to fade into the shadows, the icy queen and her Frozen empire are still staying put in the spotlight, as if the movie had only been released last month. Bet you’re not surprised that we found her donning a Korean hanbok this time!


  Na Young Wu, also known as Obsidian (@00obsidian00) on Twitter, is a Korean artist who has created character illustrations for games such as Japanese mobile game Furyoudou~Gang Road~ and Korean production Age of Storm: Kingdom Under Fire Online.

  Na Young Wu在推特上还以Obsidian(@00obsidian00)闻名,她是一位韩国艺术家,曾为日本手游Furyoudou~Gang Road~和韩国《炽焰帝国》创作过角色插画。

  Although the girls she created for Furyoudou~Gang Road~ are an impeccable mixture of cute and sexy, it is her Korean manhwa drawing style that really brings out the unique atmosphere in her Korean-Western fairy tale series.

  虽然她为Furyoudou~Gang Road~ 创作的女孩完美地融合了可爱和性感,但她韩式漫画的绘画风格才体现出她创作的韩式西方童话系列的独特性。

Alice in Wonderland


Little Red Riding Hood


Beauty and the Beast


The Frog Prince


The Little Mermaid


Snow White


  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发
  • animationn. 活泼,有生气,卡通制作
  • impeccableadj. 无过的,无错误的,无瑕疵的
  • uniqueadj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的