Many pop stars with three decades of global celebrity behind them are content to give up controversy and enjoy a comfortable circuit of greatest hits gigs.
But at 57, it seems Madonna is set on still generating headlines.
Amid an Australian tour, Madonna faces the theoretical possibility of a sexual assault charge after pulling down the top of a teenage fan who went on stage with her.
The latest incident, in Brisbane on Thursday night, lasted less than a second but was, inevitably, soon being shared across the globe on social media.
It began when 17-year-old Josephine Georgiou joined the singer on stage during her second evening at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
"She's the kind of girl you just want to slap on the ass," the singer said admiringly of the barista and would-be model standing next to her. "And pull," Madonna added, yanking down the girl's strapless top to briefly reveal one breast, to aghast cheers from the crowd.
"I'm sorry, sexual harassment," the singer continued. "You can do the same to me. Good luck," she said, motioning to her own more robustly secured outfit.
Some Australian lawyers soon began speculating that such a move, if done without the consent of the other person, could constitute sexual assault.
Fortunately for Madonna, Josephine soon made it clear she was not about to go to the police. "Seriously, why would I sue Madonna for the best moment of my life?" the teenager told Brisbane's Courier Mail newspaper. "It was the best night."
"She was calling me a Victoria's Secret model the whole time I was on stage, which is so flattering," Josephine said. "Only I get to decide if I'm humiliated or not. Why would people assume I am humiliated by my own breast, nipple or body?"