1. When you feel like Apple is constantly bullying you into buying the extra iCloud storage...
1. 当你感觉像是苹果不断威胁你购买额外的云端服务存储空间的时候…
2. When after taking 55 pictures you realize that PERFECT Insta moment is not going to happen...
2. 当照了55张照片后,你意识到完美的拍摄瞬间不会出现的时候……
3. When you're scrolling through your favorite site and don't even realize you hit the pop-up ad for some game you NEVER even heard of...
3. 当你在浏览你最喜爱的网站却没有意识到你点击了弹出的某个从未听说过的游戏广告的时候……
4. Or when your autocorrect decides to entirely change the meaning of what you were trying to convey in your text...
4. 或者当你手机的自动更正功能判定要完全修改你在短信中正试图传达的意思的时候……
5. When you forget your charger at home and have to rely on the generosity of one of your co-workers to help get your iPhone through the rest of the day...
5. 当你把充电器忘在家里,必须依靠你同事的慷慨来帮苹果手机熬过这一天剩下的时间的时候……
6. When you saw this horrible inevitability coming long in advance, but held out hope you'd get another six months of use out of it...
6. 当你预见到这个极讨厌的、必然出现的情况出现,但仍对再用6个月抱有希望的时候……
7. When your heart sinks 'cause your iPhone isn't charging...
7. 当你因苹果手机充不了电而感到沮丧的时候……
8. When you realize the cheapest accessory is also the only one that never breaks...
8. 当你意识到最便宜的配件也是唯一一件从不会坏的配件是这个的时候……
9. When you're trying to send a text and all of a sudden your signal drops for no reason...
9. 当你正试图发一条短信,却突然无缘无故地没有信号的时候……
10. When you don't realize you have your camera on front-facing mode and are haunted by what you see...
10. 当你没有意识到相机开启了前置拍摄模式,而你被自己看到的样子所困扰的时候……
"Is that what I really look like?!"