When Apple launched the iPhone 6 in 2014, its move to a larger screen yielded the most profitable quarter in US corporate history. Now, as the company faces the prospect that iPhone sales may fall this year for the first time, it is hoping a smaller and cheaper device will provide a much-needed sales boost.
当2014年苹果公司(Apple)发布iPhone 6时,其迈向大屏幕的举动使其收获了美国企业史上最赚钱的季度。如今,该公司正面临着今年iPhone销量可能出现首次下滑的局面,它希望推出更小更便宜的产品可以带来其所亟需的销售提升。
Monday is expected to see Apple reveal a 4-inch iPhone SE, the same size as the 5 series introduced in 2012 but with updated technology, including Apple Pay, a better camera and a faster processor. New iPads with the same keyboard and Pencil accessories that arrived with last year’s Pro version and extra bands for the Apple Watch are also expected.
周一,苹果预计发布4英寸屏幕的iPhone SE。该尺寸与2012年推出的iPhone 5系列的屏幕尺寸相同,不过搭载了更先进的技术,其中包括Apple Pay、更高性能的摄像头以及更快的处理器。预计该公司还将发布新一代iPad(支持去年伴随iPad Pro推出的同型键盘和Pencil配件)以及更多Apple Watch表带。
It is unusual timing for a new iPhone. After the first iPhone was launched in January 2007, the device was updated every June until 2011’s 4S, which began the now-familiar autumn refresh. A fuller update to its flagship smartphone is still expected in September.
此次新款iPhone发布的时间点不同寻常。在2007年1月发布首代iPhone之后,苹果在每年6月推出新一代产品,直到2011年推出iPhone 4S,那年开始了现在为人所熟悉的秋季发布。其全新的旗舰款智能手机预计仍将于9月亮相。
Neil Cybart, Apple analyst at Above Avalon, said next week’s break with tradition was “a recognition that recent iPhone sales trends are a bit different than [Apple’s] management was expecting”.
Above Avalon的苹果分析师尼尔•西巴特(Neil Cybart)称,其打破传统的举动是“承认iPhone近期销量较(苹果)管理层的预期有所不同”。