悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第86期:处于奴婢地位的柏拉图
日期:2016-03-21 17:29


A good example of this is Plato himself.
Although he did not lag behind the naive cynicism of his master in the condemnation of tragedy and of art in general, nevertheless his creative gifts forced him to develop an art form deeply akin to the existing forms which he had repudiated.
The main objection raised by Plato to the older art (that it was the imitation of an imitation and hence belonged to an even lower order of empiric reality) must not, at all costs, apply to the new genre; and so we see Plato intent on moving beyond reality and on rendering the idea which underlies it.
By a detour Plato the thinker reached the very spot where Plato the poet had all along been at home, and from which Sophocles, and with him the whole poetic tradition of the past, protested such a charge.
Tragedy had assimilated to itself all the older poetic genres.
In a somewhat eccentric sense the same thing can be claimed for the Platonic dialogue, which was a mixture of all the available styles and forms and hovered between narrative, Iyric, drama, between prose and poetry, once again breaking through the old law of stylistic unity.
这说法在特殊意义上也适用于柏拉图的“对话录”,它从混合一切现成的形式和风格而产生出来,它动摇于叙事、抒情与戏曲之间,散文与诗歌之间,因此打破 了统一语言形式这条严格的老规律。
The Cynic philosophers went even farther in that direction, seeking, by their utterly promiscuous style and constant alternation between verse and prose, to project their image of the "raving Socrates" in literature, as they sought to enact it in life.
The Platonic dialogue was the lifeboat in which the shipwrecked older poetry saved itself, together with its numerous offspring.
Crowded together in a narrow space, and timidly obeying their helmsman Socrates, they moved forward into a new era which never tired of looking at this fantastic spectacle.
Plato has furnished for all posterity the pattern of a new art form, the novel, viewed as the Aesopian fable raised to its highest power; a form in which poetry played the same subordinate role with regard to dialectic philosophy as that same philosophy was to play for many centuries with regard to theology.
真的,柏拉图留给千秋万世一种新的艺术形式的原型,小说的原型;这种形式可以说是无限提 高的伊索寓言,在这里诗对于辩证哲学的从属地位,正如后来数百年间哲学对于神学那样,
This, then, was the new status of poetry, and it was Plato who, under the pressure of daemonic Socrates, had brought it about.

  • offspringn. 子孙,后代,产物
  • promiscuousadj. 杂乱的,(指性)随便的,不规则的
  • cynicismn. 愤世嫉俗,讥笑,冷言冷语 Cynicism:犬儒主
  • theologyn. 神学
  • lagvi. 落后,缓慢进行,衰退 vt. 落后于,滞后于 n
  • fablen. 寓言
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • naiveadj. 天真的,幼稚的
  • objectionn. 反对,异议