Global property developers are circling in on the latest hot property market in Australia: student housing.
As the recent fall in the Australian dollar spurs foreign student numbers, companies from Dubai to China and South Africa are spending big on buying land or high-rise blocks that can be redeveloped to cater to students studying at universities.
Education is now Australia's third-largest export after commodities like iron ore and coal, generating about 18 billion Australian dollars (US$13.5 billion) in export revenue in the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
Dubai-headquartered property developer GSA recently made its first foray into Australian real estate--homing in on a city that the country's central bank has warned is at risk of an apartment supply glut.
Earlier this month, GSA said it would buy privately-held Campus Estates, a student accommodation developer building a 350-bed student apartment in inner-city Melbourne, for A$21 million. The deal is the first step toward a target of 25,000 student beds in Australia for GSA, which started with just over 100 beds in the U.K. in 1991 and now operates in eight countries including China and Japan.
本月早些时候,GSA曾表示,该公司将以2100万澳元收购私人持股的Campus Estates。学生公寓开发商Campus Estates正在澳大利亚墨尔本市中心建设一个包含350个床位的学生公寓。这桩交易是GSA迈向在澳大利亚创建2.5万个床位目标的第一步。1991年,GSA最初在英国只有略高于100个床位,而现在该公司在包括中国和日本在内的八个国家开展业务。
Previously, Australia lagged behind other countries in building student housing. Analysts say that makes it a surer investment bet than residential property. Australia is the third-ranked destination globally for foreign students, after the U.S. and Britain, according to the latest data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.