“The alternative to saving for retirement is to delay retirement, possibly indefinitely.” This was the grim message from a report on pension provision published last week.
The report, commissioned by the UK Labour party, said that many people were saving too little for their retirement and faced working until they dropped.
由英国工党(Labour party)委托研究的这份报告称,很多人的退休储蓄太少,他们将一直工作到做不动为止。
The British government has also set up a review into the state pension age. No one expects it to be lowered.
The defined benefit pension that provided a bearable retirement for earlier generations faces extinction. The current crop of workers will have to work years longer to avoid retiring into poverty.
为之前几代人提供了可承受的养老计划的固定收益养老计划(defined benefit pension)正面临绝种。如今的劳动者不得不工作更长时间,才能避免退休时一贫如洗。
This means the traditional career trajectory — starting in one’s late teens or early twenties (depending on education), rising up the hierarchy to a peak in one’s late forties or early fifties, departing 10 years later — will no longer apply. But how will it change? Here are five possible scenarios.
3 Employers decide it is the workers’ problem, not theirs. They understand that pensions are not as good as they were but older workers are expensive and having them around blocks younger colleagues’ promotions. Far better to push the older employees to retire and consign them to penury.
Many employers will find this option attractive but age discrimination laws will make it hard to implement. And as the population ages, there will be fewer young employees to take retiring workers’ places.
3 Both employers and employees accept that people will work longerand everything in their careers will happen later. They will rise through the hierarchy more slowly than they do today, winning that peak promotion in their late fifties.
A version of this is likely to happen. Unable to afford retirement, employees will resist attempts to force them out. The workforce will, on average, become older. Carrying on for longer is easier for workers in sedentary occupations than for those in jobs requiring physical labour. But even those in sedentary jobs eventually start to slow down. Younger workers will become fed up being managed by those they regard as over the hill.
3 Later retirement introduces a golden age for women workers. In the UK, the pay gap between men and women under 30 has almost disappeared. It widens as women have children and men go on to dominate executive jobs and boardrooms.
If people carry on working until they are older, mothers should have more opportunity to return to full-time work as their children grow up and need them less. They should have a couple of decades to win those top jobs that they are being denied today.
The problem is that when I have written about this optimistic scenario before, a few women have told me that they have tried it and it did not work. Coming back to full-time work from part-time or a career break is tough. It is hard to get back on the escalator.
This may be true but determined employers can find ways around this — for example by providing mentors to help women get back on to the promotion track.
3 Companies go for the Carlos Slim option. In 2014, the Mexican telecoms magnate, said that, instead of retiring, older workers should cut back to three days a week.
4.企业采用卡洛斯•斯利姆(Carlos Slim)的选择。2014年,这位墨西哥电信大亨表示,年纪较大的员工不应退休,而是应该将每周工作日减少到3天。
Everyone gains. The company holds on to older workers’ skills while cutting the cost of employing them. The workers have more leisure.
This scenario appears to have more to recommend it than any other, although it does depend on older workers being able to afford the reduction in working hours.
Older people working shorter weeks could step back from senior positions. They could also do different jobs for the company.
The Financial Times reported this week on a former manager at Nissan in Sunderland, in the north-east of England who, at 67, conducts tours of the plant. He does not work for Nissan. He has retired and works for an outside agency that runs the tours. This leads to the final scenario.
3 Older workers make their own way in the world. This follows the first option, in which companies refuse to adjust to the new world and insist on older workers retiring anyway. Instead of fighting it, people become self-employed, offering their services to whoever will pay for them. Many Financial Times readers have told me they do this now and love it.