Goldman Sachs hired the daughter of a key ally of Malaysia’s prime minister at a time when the US bank was seeking to expand its business in the country, it emerged on Thursday.
周四有消息称,高盛(Goldman Sachs)当初寻求在马来西亚拓展业务时,曾聘用了该国总理一位关键盟友的女儿。
The bank made the appointment as Tim Leissner, then Goldman’s co-president for Southeast Asia, was working to forge closer business ties in Malaysia, where it would later win valuable business with the government’s 1MDB investment fund.
高盛是在时任该行东南亚业务联席总裁的蒂姆•莱斯纳(Tim Leissner)寻求在马来西亚建立更紧密业务联系时,做出上述任命的。此举后来帮助该行拉来了马来西亚政府投资基金1MDB的宝贵生意。
Investigators are probing allegations of misconduct and the suspected misappropriation of state funds in relation to 1MDB, whose advisory board is chaired by Najib Razak, Malaysia’s prime minister.
目前,调查人员正在调查与1MBD有关的不当做法和涉嫌挪用国有资金的行为。1MDB的顾问委员会主席是马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(Najib Razak,上图)。
Goldman was granted a licence to operate in Malaysia in December 2009 and began pitching for business. Mr Leissner later played a key role in controversial bond sales for the fund.
In 2010, Goldman hired Anis Jamaludin, daughter of Jamaluddin Jarjis, a Malaysian politician and close confidant of Mr Najib. She worked for the bank as an analyst for months, a person familiar with the matter said.
2010年,高盛聘用了纳吉布密友、马来西亚政治人士贾玛鲁丁•查吉(Jamaluddin Jarjis)的女儿阿妮斯•贾玛鲁丁(Anis Jamaludin)。知情人士表示,阿妮斯在高盛作了几个月的分析师。
According to a LinkedIn page in her name, Ms Anis worked for Goldman as an investment banking analyst in Singapore from July to November 2010. Ms Anis could not immediately be reached for comment.
Goldman declined to comment. Neither the bank nor Mr Leissner is accused of wrongdoing.
Western banks have come under scrutiny for their hiring practices in other parts of Asia, notably China. The hiring of friends and relatives of Chinese officials is perceived as a way to win regulatory approval and business from state-owned enterprises.