Whether it's to score the winning touchdown of the Super Bowl or summit Mount Everest, most of us dream of one day doing something totally amazing. But there's a big difference between having a dream and living it. In some cases, realizing your life goals might be less an idle daydream and more a screaming nightmare.
10.Winning The Lottery Will Suck The Joy From Your Life
The lottery has such a low chance of winning that it's often called a tax on stupid people, yet millions of us still play, hoping for that golden ticket. But we've got some bad news for you. Getting that golden ticket could ruin your ability to get any pleasure from life.
In a famous 1970s study, psychologists interviewed Illinois state lottery winners and non-winners and found that the winners were not significantly happier than the ordinary Joes. The winners found it hard to get pleasure from everyday things in life. According to the study, the winners "took significantly less pleasure" in things like chatting with a friend, getting a compliment, or reading a magazine. According to NBC, this may be because a big lottery win pushes up our baseline level of happiness. We need continuously bigger thrills to feel any pleasure at all. At the same time, when winning doesn't make us as happy as we expect it to, we feel depressed. However, it's not all doom and gloom. A separate Harvard study found that those who win an annual payout are much happier than those who win a single lump sum.
9.Becoming An Olympic Silver Medalist Will Make You Weirdly Unhappy
Winning an Olympic medal is the closest you can get to proving you are objectively better at something than everyone else on Earth. While most of us might dream of winning gold, we'd probably be equally ecstatic with silver or bronze, in that order. But actual winners would disagree. Far from proof of awesomeness, an Olympic silver medal is frequently seen as a sign of abject failure.
In 1992, researchers studied the reactions of winning athletes at the Barcelona Olympics. They then assigned each athlete a "happiness score" ranging from 1 (agony) to 10 (ecstasy). While the gold medal winners generally scored quite highly, the silver medal winners ranked appallingly. When the winners were announced, they scored an average of 4.8, compared to the bronze medalists' 7.1. This is thanks to our human trait of thinking counterfactually. Rather than accepting coming in second, the silver medalists tended to obsess over the tiny mistakes that kept them from winning gold. The bronze medalists, on the other hand, marveled over the tiny victories that kept them from being fourth. This boosted their self-esteem and made them measurably happier than the athlete who beat them.
8.Moving Abroad Can Ruin Your Family
Unlike winning the lottery or becoming an Olympic athlete, moving abroad is a realistic dream. Millions of people each year migrate and call it the best decision of their lives. Just as many call it an utter nightmare.
Moving to a foreign culture can strain marriages. Such a move typically involves one partner becoming the breadwinner while the other stays home, stressing out the worker and making the homemaker feel useless. When young children are involved, things get even worse. A 1990 study found that 40 percent of all foreign assignments are cut short, usually because the family fails to adjust. Even when parents and young kids thrive abroad, older kids can have a hard time. A study into American teenagers living overseas found the adolescents had less self-confidence, greater insecurity about the future, and fewer interpersonal relationships than those who stayed in the US. It's not just Americans, either. A 2014 study found that northern Europeans who moved to sunny Spain were on average less happy than those who stayed put. Moving abroad might be a dream come true for some, but it's no guaranteed path to happiness.
移居到另一种文化环境中可能会导致婚姻关系的紧张。因为它牵涉到各方面的变动,使得伴侣中的一方因成为家庭的经济支柱而备受压力,另一方则因闲在家中而感觉自己一无所用。当涉及到孩子时,情况就更为糟糕了。1990年的一项研究发现,考虑到家庭无法马上适应新环境,公司将40%的外派任务时间都缩短了。即使父母和年幼的孩子能适应海外的生活,但对于年龄大一点的孩子来说,海外生活步履维艰。一项针对生活在海外的美国青少年的研究发现,相较于生活在美国本土的青少年,他们更缺乏自信,对未来更没有安全感,更缺少人际交往的能力。这种情况不仅仅局限于美国人身上。 2014年的一项研究发现,移居到阳光明媚的西班牙的北欧人,他们的平均幸福指数却低于留在原地的人。移居国外对于一些人来说或许已经梦想成真了,但这并不是一条保证通往幸福的路径。
7.Making Billions From Your Company Can Lead To Depression
In the late 1990s, a striking number of dotcom billionaires reacted to their financial success by becoming incredibly depressed. Although there are many theories on why this might be, chief among them is the idea that humans need a sense of progress in their lives. Remove that forward momentum, and people start to feel useless and unhappy. And there's no better way to destroy someone's forward momentum than by having them achieve all their business goals and become rich before they finish their third decade. The technical name for this is wealth fatigue syndrome, and it translates to living your life in a permanent state of boredom and isolation. A huge number of people who become wealthy through business sink into inertia. They also find themselves socially isolated from everyone but their super-rich compatriots, separating themselves from former friends and family members.
Instead, it's better to have your business do moderately well and then move yourself to your next goal rather than become an overnight billionaire.
6.Becoming CEO Can Leave You Horribly Stressed
Have you ever had one of those days where the policies of your company seemed so ridiculous that you knew you could do better? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you suddenly were promoted to CEO? If you were, you'd probably be more stressed than you could possibly handle.
Many top CEOs lead lives of desperation. Although psychopathy is the most infamous trait a well-paid boss can have, others include white-hot anger, paralyzing fear, and depression. A study of data collected between 1957 and 2004 found that women in positions of authority were more likely to exhibit depressive symptoms than those in subordinate roles. CEOs of both sexes frequently feel incredibly isolated and under pressure, with the added bonus that corporate culture makes talking about these feelings a big no-no. The result, especially in the finance industries, can be burnout, overwhelming health problems, or even suicide. You might feel bored working in your cubicle, but get moved up to the top spot, and you could be facing a complete emotional collapse.
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