The popular Chinese animation TV series Calabash Brothers (Hulu Xiongdi) is set to become alive-action film, announced Shanghai Film Group Corporation and Edko Films at a joint pressconference in Shanghai on February 29.
Known as "Húluwá" among its many Chinese fans, the original 13-episode series was firstbroadcast in 1986 and follows the adventures of seven boys with super powers fighting two demonic spirits.
The animation is part of the collective memory of many fans who were born in the 1970s and 80sand they are both excited and anxious at the news.
"No matter how terrible the movie's gonna be, I'm definitely going to watch it," said BanbiTyphoon on the Twitter-like social media Sina Weibo. Another, Duoduo, worried whether "the director could find seven identical brothers for filming."
新浪微博用户(相当于中国版本的Twitter)BanbiTyphoo 表示,“不管这部电影被改成了什么样,我一定会去看看。”另一位名叫“多多”的网友则对此表示担心:“导演是否能找到7个一样的兄弟来演葫芦娃。”
At the press conference, Bill Kong, president of Hong Kong-based Edko Films, promised that the remake had been decided upon after careful deliberation. He added that they have opted for live-action rather than high-tech CG animation as part of their efforts to respect the roots of the classic animation.
A calabash is a light-green vine fruit, also known as opo squash or long melon. In the series,seven different-coloured calabashes fall from their stems and magically transform into the brothers.
So far, the animation series has been translated into seven languages.