双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第123期:嫦娥一号
日期:2016-03-15 11:10


The Chang’e I Lunar Probe
The Chang’e I lunar probe is China’s first lunar probe, successfully launched on LM-3A rocket on schedule at 6:05 p. m.local time ( UTC +8) from the Xichang Launch Center, on October 24,2007.
“嫦娥一号”是中国的首颗绕月人造卫星,以中国古代神话人物嫦娥命名。2007年10月24日18时05分(UTC +8时,下同),在西昌卫星发射中心搭乘“长征三号”甲运载火箭顺利发射升空。卫星的总重量为2350千克左右,尺寸为2000毫米×1720毫米×2200毫米,太阳能电池帆板展开长度18米寿命大于一年。
The “Orbiting ( Chang’e I ) ,phase of the program has four major goals:
Drawing ”pictures“ of the Moon and obtaining three-dimensional images of the lunar surface. Dividing the basic landforms and structures of the lunar surface and initially making outline graphs of lunar geology and structures, so as to provide a reference and basis for later soft landings, The orbit of Chang’e I around the Moon will provide complete coverage, including areas near the North and South Poles not covered by previous missions. Probing useful elements on the Moon surface and analyzing the elements and materials, primarily making maps of the distribution of various elements on the Moon’s surface. China hopes to expand the number of the useful elements t0 14 previously probed by the NASA’s Lunar Prospector, and will conduct an overall prospect evaluation on some useful resources on the Moon’s surface. Probing the features of lunar soil and evaluating its depth, as well as the amount of helium-3 ( He)resources.Probing the space environment between the Moon and the Earth, recording data on the primitive solar wind and studying the impact of solar activity on the Earth and the Moon.
The first picture of the Moon was relayed on November 26, 2007. The mission is scheduled to continue for a year.At November 12, 2008, a map of whole lunarsurface taken by Chang’e I was shown to the public.
The launch of the l.4 billion Yuan ( $ 187 million) Chang’e I , named after the Chinese goddess of the moon, is considered to be the first step in China’s three-stage moon exploration campaign, with the second step being the delivery of a moon rover, and the third that of a recovery research vehicle to collect soil samples.The ultimate aim of the Chinese project is to put a man on the moon by 2020.

  • initiallyadv. 最初,开头
  • previousadj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的
  • vehiclen. 车辆,交通工具,手段,工具,传播媒介
  • evaluationn. 估价,评价
  • collectv. 收集,聚集 v. 推论 adv. 接收者付款
  • expandv. 增加,详述,扩展,使 ... 膨胀, vi. (谈
  • primitiveadj. 原始的 n. 原始人,文艺复兴前的艺术家
  • ultimaten. 终极,根本,精华 adj. 终极的,根本的,极限的
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前
  • deliveryn. 递送,交付,分娩