日期:2016-03-08 10:17


Qualcomm has reached a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission over allegations that it improperly hired the relatives of Chinese officials as it sought to do more business in the country that is its biggest market.


The settlement describes the company improperly paying for lavish junkets, golf outings, luxury gifts and airline tickets for the children of government officials.


The $7.5m settlement covers the decade until 2012 and painted a picture of a company that was trying hard to woo Chinese officials amid an uncertain regulatory environment. Qualcomm did not admit or deny wrongdoing.


Qualcomm relies on China for around half its revenues, and during the last several years its business there has faced setbacks. Qualcomm says Chinese customers underpaid on their royalty agreements in 2014 and 2015, hurting its revenues. Last year Qualcomm settled an antitrust investigation in China, agreeing to a fine of around $1bn.


The practice of hiring interns who are related to Chinese officials is not uncommon among western firms as they seek to navigate China’s challenging regulatory environment. A string of SEC investigations has been focused on companies where this practice was common, including JPMorgan, whose “sons and daughters” programme helped place officials’ relatives at the company.


Last month, HSBC said it was under investigation by the SEC over its hiring of people linked to Asian governments.


The SEC settlement reveals an unusual level of detail about Qualcomm’s involvement with officials and their offspring. In one case, the company paid $75,000 for an academic research grant to help the son of an official complete his PhD programme; later a Qualcomm executive personally lent $70,000 to that same individual to help him buy a house. This individual was also hired by Qualcomm, despite the fact that people who interviewed him said “he would be a drain on teams he would join”.


In another example, Qualcomm offered officials a deluxe Olympics hospitality package with a value of $95,000, although the company later rescinded these invitations due to concerns about violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

另一个例子是,高通向中国官员提供了价值9.5万美元的豪华奥运招待礼包,尽管该公司后来因担心违反美国《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)撤回了这些邀请。

Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm general counsel, said: “We remain committed to ethical conduct and compliance with all laws and regulations, and will continue to be vigilant about [Foreign Corrupt Practices Act] compliance.”

高通总法律顾问唐•罗森堡(Don Rosenberg)表示:“我们仍致力于道德操守和遵守一切法律法规,并将继续留意合规(指遵守《反海外腐败法》)问题。”

  • commissionn. 委员会,委托,委任,佣金,犯罪 vt. 委任,委托
  • woov. 向 ... 求爱,追求,恳求
  • corruptadj. 腐败的,堕落的 vt. 使 ... 恶化,贿赂
  • grantn. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予 n. 财产转让 vt
  • vigilantadj. 警醒的,警戒著的,警惕的
  • securitiesn. 有价证券;担保;保证人;抵押物(security的
  • luxuryn. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品
  • offspringn. 子孙,后代,产物
  • committedadj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的
  • lavishadj. 大方的,丰富的,浪费的 vt. 浪费,慷慨给予