Although economics was derided by the historian Thomas Carlyle as the “dismal science,” it is optimism that infects the profession — and it runs so deep that economists rarely see recessions coming.
虽然历史学家托马斯•卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle)曾把经济学揶揄为“沉闷的科学”,但实际上这一学科的问题在于受到乐观情绪的感染,这种影响如此之深,以至于很少有经济学家能预见经济衰退的到来。
Even in early 2008, when markets were crashing, a survey of leading forecasters by the Philadelphia branch of the Federal Reserve showed that none predicted negative growth for the US that year.
即便在2008年初市场开始崩盘之际,费城联邦储备银行(Philadelphia Fed)对多位著名预测专家所做的一项调查显示,没有一个人预测当年美国经济会出现负增长。
Now, despite evidence that the world economy is near to another recession, a similar survey shows that not one of the 40 leading economists believes there will be a US downturn this year.
Clearly, economists are not listening to the markets, which are more worried. In 1966, the Nobel-winning economist Paul Samuelson quipped that the stock market had “predicted nine out of the last five recessions,” and writers still quote him to disparage the predictive power of markets.
显然,经济学家们没有倾听市场的信号——市场更加担忧。1966年,诺贝尔经济学奖得主保罗•萨缪尔森(Paul Samuelson)曾开玩笑说:股市曾“预言了过去5次经济衰退中的9次”,而经济学家写文章时仍会引用他的话来贬低市场的预测能力。
Samuelson, though, was no more impressed by his fellow economists. The analysis company Ned Davis Research has shown that “economists, as a consensus, called exactly none” of the last seven recessions, dating back to 1970.
然而,萨缪尔森对经济学家同行的评价也不高。分析公司Ned Davis Research的研究表明,对于可追溯至1970年的7次经济衰退,经济学家(就共识而言)实际上一次都未预测出来。
To see how well markets anticipate trouble for the economy, I looked at data for the past 50 years for periods when Wall Street’s Standard Poor’s 500 index fell from its most recent peak by 10, 15 or 20 per cent. It turned out that the market declined by at least 15 per cent from its peak typically six months before the seven US recessions. In short, the market has a habit of sniffing out trouble in a timely manner.
为了弄清楚市场在多大程度上能预测经济危机,我梳理了过去50年华尔街的标准普尔500指数(SP 500)从最新的峰值跌去10%、15%或20%后各个时期的数据。结果,在美国经济7次出现衰退的六个月前,股市通常都会从最高点下跌至少15%。简言之,股市拥有及时嗅出危机来临的能力。
As Samuelson suggested, it is true that the stock market also sends false signals. The SP 500 has suffered 15 per cent declines 12 times since 1965, so there were five times when a sharp decline was not followed by a recession, most recentlyin 2011.
All told, however, a sharp decline in the SP 500 has signalled a recession nearly 60 per cent of the time. By contrast, the consensus view of economists has an accuracy rate of zero per cent.
Twice this year, the SP has approached the 1,800 level, which would represent a 15 per cent decline, then recovered. If it falls below that mark, it would suggest a probability of nearly 60 per cent that the US economy is in or is entering a recession.
The global picture is similar. Because there are always fast-growing nations somewhere, the global economy rarely shrinks as a whole. Typically, global recessions begin when growth falls below 2 per cent, which has happened five times in the past 50 years — and the markets anticipated each one.
I looked at the MSCI World Index to 1970, when its records began. The market fell by at least a fifth from its recent peak eight times; before all five global recessions and on three other occasions. That would infer 63 per cent accuracy.
我检索了自1970年开始有记录的摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数(MSCI World index)。该指数从最高点下跌至少20%的次数为8次;在所有5次全球衰退出现前都曾这样大幅下跌。这意味着该指数预测衰退的准确率为63%。
From its peak last year, the MSCI World Index reached a maximum decline of 19 per cent on February 11, then recovered.
If the index drops again and breaches the 20 per cent threshold soon, the message will be clear: there is a better than even chance of a global recession this year.
There are no certainties but the collective wisdom of markets has proven more reliable than the thinking of economists.
With real money at risk, investors seem to be highly alert to signs of imminent recessions, while economists seem to be motivated by a fear of bucking the professional consensus. Their models are not built to capture dramatic shifts and their forecasts tend to move in tiny steps.
They rarely risk a sharp move into negative territory. The cheerful science would probably do better by listening to the markets.