Mobile malware took off in 2011. That is when hackers began serious attacks on mobile phones, says David Emm, principal security researcher, at Kaspersky Lab, a cyber security company.
手机恶意软件从2011年开始迅速发展。网络安全公司卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab)的资深安全研究员戴维•埃姆(David Emm)称,当时黑客开始大举攻击手机。
“At that point, the data became worth stealing, and since then growth has been exponential,” Mr Emm says. He estimates 1m new malicious codes were found on devices in 2015. “The actual number of attacks is much bigger than this because each program tends to be used many times.”
Early attacks focused on causing handsets silently to call premium rate numbers. Then hackers diversified into phishing — creating spoof websites that trick people into revealing account numbers and login details.
Phishing still accounts for the overwhelming number of attacks on mobiles, says Mr Emm, although ransomware — locking data and demanding payment for its release — is also big, accounting for 17 per cent of the total across all platforms, according to Kaspersky’s research.
Most phone attacks are on handsets that use the Android operating system because of its large market share and flexible, open technology. Apple’s iPhones use proprietary technology which is more difficult to breach.
针对手机的多数攻击以搭载Android操作系统的智能手机为目标,原因在于Android巨大的市场份额以及灵活、开放的技术。苹果(Apple) iPhone搭载的系统采用专有技术,攻破难度更大。
“Android is like having a room with lots of doors as opposed to a cave with a single entrance,” Mr Emm says. But Apple is not immune.
In 2015, many app developers unwittingly downloaded a malicious version of Xcode — Apple’s official tool for building apps — from a file-sharing website. Among scores of apps infected were WeChat, a messaging app popular in China, and CamCard, a popular business card reader in the US.
Although Apple vets the apps sold through its app store, the infected programs were not initially detected. They were made available and widely used.
尽管苹果对在其应用商店(App Store)上架的app进行审查,但是被感染的软件最初没有被探测到。它们被提供下载,并且被广泛使用。
Mobile phone security is challenging because devices are designed to connect in many different ways, says Ben Johnson, chief security strategist at Carbon Black, a security software company. “Whether it is a text message, email, web browsing, Bluetooth or near-field communication (NFC) connectivity, each method of communication is a potential attack route.”
安全软件公司Carbon Black的首席安全策略师本•约翰逊(Ben Johnson)称,由于手机可以通过多种方式连接,手机安全具有较大挑战性。“无论是文本短信、电子邮件、浏览网页、蓝牙还是近距离通信技术(NFC),每一种通信方式都可能成为攻击途径。”
As human interaction is the main purpose of a mobile device, Mr Johnson adds, there are more chances to trick users. “People are much more likely to click on malicious images or videos sent to a mobile phone than to a PC, because it feels more familiar and natural.”
Phones are also often set to connect automatically and display quick preview images, data or text. “This makes it possible to exploit a system without the recipient opening or ‘clicking’ anything,” Mr Johnson says.
Defending against the most serious attacks is difficult, says Ian Evans, a vice-president and managing director at VMware Airwatch. “If the main source of the threat is a nation state agency, you’re best to just throw your phone away.”
VMware Airwatch的副总裁兼董事总经理伊恩•埃文斯(Ian Evans)称,很难抵挡那些技术含量最高的攻击。“如果主要的威胁源是某个国家机构,你最好把手机扔了。”
However, simple steps can help against more common hackers. You should use a passcode or complex PIN on your device to protect it in case of loss or theft, says Mr Evans. “And it is best to avoid connecting to public WiFi networks. If the WiFi is not encrypted, somebody could intercept data including passwords. If you have to do so, make sure you always use a virtual private network to connect to sensitive resources.”
Also, do not “jailbreak” your mobile devices, he says. This is a process whereby users remove operating system restrictions so that they can customise their phone and download apps not normally allowed. “Jailbreaking negates your warranty and exposes you to more potential malware,” says Keiron Shepherd, senior security specialist at F5 Networks, a cyber security company.
此外,他称,不要把你的移动设备“越狱”——指用户解除操作系统限制,以便对自己的手机进行定制化设置,并下载通常被禁止的app。“越狱意味着放弃你的保修权利,并使手机暴露于更多的潜在恶意软件,”网络安全公司F5 Networks的高级安全专家吉仑•谢泼德(Keiron Shepherd)称。
Phones with hardware-based encryption tend to offer stronger protection than software encryption, says Mr Evans. “The encryption key is stored on a chip, which acts like a safe.” But Android handsets continue to lack dependable hardware-based encryption, Mr Evans says.
Sometimes phones are compromised during production, as happened in 2014 when a factory-installed “Trojan horse” was found on the Star N9500 Android smartphone, made in China and sold by companies such as Amazon and eBay. It enabled hackers to operate the phone remotely and, being embedded at the factory, could not be removed.
有时,手机在生产过程中就已经被植入了恶意软件,就像2014年Star N9500智能手机被发现预装了“特洛伊木马”一样。该款Android手机在中国制造,在亚马逊(Amazon)和eBay等平台出售。黑客可以通过木马远程操控手机,而木马嵌入工厂预装的软件中,无法清除。
The next battleground between hackers and phone owners will be biometric data such as thumbprints, iris or voice profile. At present, hackers rarely use biometrics to circumnavigate security because there are many easier paths, says Mr Shepherd. “This is likely to change. The problem is that if your password is discovered you can quickly change it, whereas once biometric data are compromised, that’s it.”