SHANGHAI — Through the winter, world financial markets have tumbled and churned with a succession of worries. The Chinese economy seemed to be faltering. Commodity exporters like Russia and Brazil suffered sharp slowdowns. And with oil prices falling, banks that have lent heavily to energy companies could be hurt.
On Saturday evening, finance ministers from 20 of the world’s largest economies wrapped up a day and a half of meetings with a rough consensus: The markets worry too much.
The ministers turned aside suggestions that they embark on any radical changes in policy, like realigning the exchange rates of major currencies. They endorsed instead a stepped-up combination of monetary policies, government spending and structural changes, altering the wording of Saturday night’s communiqué from communiqués last year to put somewhat greater emphasis on these policies.
The ministers tried hard to persuade investors around the world that they were missing basic strengths in the global economy.
“The magnitude of the recent market volatility has not reflected the underlying fundamentals of the global economy,” said Lou Jiwei, the finance minister of China, the country that holds the group’s presidency this year.
“近期的市场波动程度并未反映全球经济基本面持续复苏的状况,”中国财政部长楼继伟说。中国今年是二十国集团(Group of 20,简称G20)的主席国。
Led by China, finance ministers from the Group of 20 agreed on Saturday to inform one another of all major changes in currency policies to avoid surprises that could shake up global financial markets.
The agreement to share information came in addition to renewing a previous commitment by large economies not to devalue their currencies to obtain a competitive advantage for their exporters. Devaluations make exporters’ goods less expensive in foreign markets.
The information sharing agreement was prompted by actions in recent months by China and Japan. China unexpectedly made small devaluations in its currency in early August and in late December, both times leading to drops in world stock markets. Japan has embraced negative interest rates and pushed hard to expand its money supply, moves that have made it less attractive to hold yen.
China has taken steps in the last several days to become more open about its financial policies, including holding a rare news conference on Friday morning by Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People’s Bank of China, who sought to reassure financial markets that China has plans to handle a deceleration in economic growth.
Jacob J. Lew, Treasury secretary in the United States, and other finance ministers said that they accepted China’s assurances that its devaluations had been part of a decision to let markets play a greater role in deciding the value of the renminbi, and not an effort to gain an advantage in trade. “I think the communication that China has done these past days has helped not just ourselves but all observers to understand that more clearly, and I think that’s very positive,” Mr. Lew said.
美国财长雅各布·J·卢(Jacob J. Lew)和其他一些财长表示,他们接受中国的说法,即人民币贬值不是为了获得贸易优势,而是让市场力量在人民币汇率的形成中发挥更大作用的决策的一部分。“我认为,中国过去几天提供的信息不仅有助于我们自己,而且有助于所有观察人士对此有更清晰的了解,我觉得这是非常积极的,”卢说。
Masatsugu Asakawa, Japan’s vice minister of finance for international affairs, said there had been strong agreement that countries should not devalue currencies to help the competitiveness of their exports. While expansionary monetary policies like Japan’s may have spillover effects on currencies, they are not problematic as long as the policies are aimed mainly at supporting the domestic economy, not currency depreciation, he said.
日本财务省财务官浅川雅嗣(Masatsugu Asakawa)称,在不为帮助提升出口商品的竞争力而贬值这一点上,各国有牢固的共识。他说,尽管像日本那样的扩张性货币政策可能会对汇率产生溢出效应,但只要相关政策的主要目的是支持国内经济,而非货币贬值,就没有问题。
Many of the worries this winter have involved whether economic growth in China may be slowing more than official statistics indicate. Giving a possible glimpse into the Chinese government’s priorities in the budget to be released next Saturday, Mr. Lou said China would pursue a long list of policies aimed at helping various sectors of the Chinese economy become more efficient.
One policy already carried out, he said, had shortened the lengthy process for obtaining some kinds of government approvals for businesses to a few days. “Through deregulation, we can invigorate entrepreneurship and innovation,” he said.
The International Monetary Fund and some commercial banks had called for a sense of urgency in the face of a series of challenges, like negative interest rates that may be eroding the effectiveness of monetary policy. But finance ministers from the largest countries pushed back, saying they did not perceive a crisis and so a crisis response was unnecessary.
面对一系列挑战,如可能会削弱货币政策的有效性的负利率,国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)和一些商业银行呼吁要有紧迫感。但经济大国的财长们持反对意见,称他们并未感到存在危机,因此不必采取危机应对措施。
“Some market participants wanted a big plan to boost the economy,” said Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister, who is also the chairman of the European Union’s council of 28 finance ministers. “But I don’t feel there is a need for a big plan. We’re not in a crisis mode.”
“一些市场主体希望制定一项提振经济的庞大方案,”荷兰财长耶霍恩·戴塞尔布卢姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)说。“但我觉得不需要制定大方案。我们并未处于危机状态。”戴塞尔布卢姆还在欧盟28个成员国的财长组成的一个机构里担任主席。