日期:2016-02-29 19:11


20. Richard Gere (1949— )


An old-school movie star and, to say the least, not the world's most consistent actor, Gere has still been unlucky not to enjoy even one Oscar moment (where the likes of George Clooney have had a fistful). He's not been far off lately with The Hoax and Arbitrage—it'll come, maybe, when he finds his Wall Street.

他是一位老派的电影明星,退一步说,不算风格最一成不变的演员,然而基尔至今都与奥斯卡无缘(但乔治·克鲁尼这类明星倒是一抓一大把),他的作品《骗局》和 《套利交易》还未远离大众的视线,如果他能在未来找到属于自己的代表作,相信提名也离他不远了。

Most robbed for: Actor, 1990—Top Gere is his shadiest performance, as the vicious cop in Mike Figgis's Internal Affairs.


19. John Cusack (1966— )


Many of his films (The Grifters, Bullets over Broadway, Being John Malkovich) have been rather big hits with the Academy, but Cusack's neurotic protagonists never quite charge to the front. You feel he's still waiting for the signature, mid-career role that will bring him into the fold.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actor, 1998—There's almost too much great ensemble work in The Thin Red Line for any one player to stand out, but Cusack's Capt. Gaff is fatigued, watchful and invaluable.


18. Joseph Cotten (1905-94)


Is he or isn't he trustworthy? There's a subtle decency to most of Cotten's work, though it can curdle into cynicism pretty fast, and his characters often get crushed by the looming failure of their dreams. Even when cast against type, as the murderous Uncle Charlie in Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt, he's a fascinating magnet for audience faith.


Most robbed for: Actor, 1949—Holly Martins in The Third Man is the quintessential Cotten creation, and a man you betray at your peril.


17. Peter Lorre (1904-64)


In fairness, Lorre's famous child murderer in Fritz Lang's M (1931) was in Oscar's early days, when foreign films weren't embraced. Still, he made quite a mark in Hollywood soon after, with his unsettling cherub face, bulging eyes and ability to conjure auras of unseen depravity with just a few quick strokes.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actor, 1941—The cane-sporting, clearly homosexual Joel Cairo in The Maltese Falcon was an early classic among Lorre's featured parts for Warner Bros


16. Jim Carrey (1962— )


We needn't pretend all of Carrey's comic roles are nomination-worthy—The Grinch, anyone?—and he's made a lot of dross amid the jewels. When he really digs deep, though, it's surprising what emotional resources he finds to depict Everymen in sorry crisis, discovering the limits of what they've been handed.


Most robbed for: Actor, 2004—There were other near-misses, but Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is Carrey's most intimate and profound leading role.


15. Steve Buscemi (1957— )


For years best-known as that weaselly guy in the films with all those other guys, Buscemi is legitimately the great American character actor of the 1990s, more or less the Elisha Cook, Jr of that era. No nominations for either? Some faces find it hard to get respect.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actor, 1996—William H Macy was nominated, but Buscemi's unforgettably scuzzy Carl Showalter in Fargo should have shared the honour.


14. Jeff Daniels (1955— )


Daniels was about the only person not recognised for James L. Brooks's Terms of Endearment (1983), and he's managed to cruise his way though a durable Hollywood career, clowning it up here and there, supplying a bitter gravitas elsewhere, without bagging one.


Most robbed for: Actor, 2005—He surely came closest for Noah Baumbach's The Squid and the Whale (it's what his character, a pompous lecturer in mid-divorce, would call "the filet" of Daniels).


13. Ann Miller (1923-2004)


Song-and-dance legend Miller had the darnedest voice, and was almost always the best thing in her films. She could tap-dance fast enough to leave you dizzy, and really act, too. She retired in 1976, more or less, though David Lynch gave her a wonderful comeback cameo as Coco the landlady in Mulholland Drive.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actress, 1949—No way she'd have beaten Mercedes McCambridge in All the King's Men, but Miller's good-time gal in On the Town was easily worth a nomination.


12. Myrna Loy (1905-1993)


The Academy felt so guilty about never nominating the exotic and versatile Loy that a lobbying campaign sprang up to set things right, and they gave her an honorary Oscar in 1991. She accepted via camera at home, saying simply, "You've made me very happy. Thank you very much."奥斯卡对从未提名玛娜·洛伊怀有愧疚之情,她极具异域风情又多才多艺,以至于不断出现游说活动为洛伊主持公道,奥斯卡在1991年授予她终身成就奖,她通过摄像机在家里接受了这个奖并简单说了几句,“你们让我感到很开心,非常感谢。”

Most robbed for: Actress, 1934—William Powell and director W.S. Van Dyke got in, so it seems particularly cruel that Loy's half of the Thin Man sleuthing duo went unrewarded. 失之交臂:最佳女主角,1934——同样出演的威廉·鲍威尔和导演WS·凡·戴克均凭借此片获奥斯卡奖,而洛伊出演了《瘦人》中侦探搭档的其中之一,却可惜没获得任何奖项,对她而言未免太残忍。

11. Raúl Julia (1940-94)


The Puerto Rican actor's career was cut short right in its prime, just when Gomez Addams propelled him to stardom. His Shakespeare playing was legendary, and he'd earned respect as the (superior) straight man to William Hurt's Oscar-winning gay martyr routine in Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985). But the biggest film accolade eluded him.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actor, 1990—Deeply brilliant as Harrison Ford's wily defence lawyer Sandy Stern in Presumed Innocent, Julia should have walked this.


10. Hugh Grant (1960— )


Hugh Grant is amazing at what he does, and basically terrible, as he'd be the first to admit, at being asked to do anything else. His whole career hinges on seeming to make a pig's ear of being a romantic lead, and making that hilarious, which he does with a natural skill and timing we admit without appreciating quite enough.


Most robbed for: Actor, 1994—A word for his wonderfully snobbish support in Small Time Crooks (2000), but Four Weddings and a Funeral is clearly the movie Grant was born to own.


9. Emily Blunt (1983— )


In the mix this year for her tough, thwarted turn in Sicario, Blunt has managed four Golden Globe nominations in movies without getting on the Academy's shortlist once. She's becoming one of the most respected actresses of her generation, in an increasingly broad spectrum of parts. It can only be a matter of time.《少年海罗》这部电影是她艰辛困苦,饱经挫折的转折点,在那一年,她获得了四个金球奖提名,却一次也没登上奥斯卡榜单。无论从哪个方面来看,艾米丽·布朗特都是她那一代人心目中最受尊敬的女演员之一。相信她获得奥斯卡提名也是指日可待的事情。

Most robbed for: Supporting Actress, 2006 - Blunt had already broken through in My Summer of Love, but it was her pitch-perfect comic support as Miranda Priestly's hatchet-faced assistant in The Devil Wears Prada which should have catapulted her into the nominees' club. 失之交臂:最佳女配角,2006——布朗特已经在影片《夏日恋曲》中取得突破,她的高音调特别适合出演喜剧配角,在《穿普拉达的女魔头》中她饰演米兰达•普瑞斯特里的瘦长脸助理,这个角色本该将她送入提名阵营中去的。

8. Isabella Rossellini (1952— )


Her mother Ingrid Bergman won three of the damn things, and while few would argue that Rossellini is anything like such a major star, she's given several mesmerising performances. She's into her sixties now: let's hope for a juicy supporting turn in something mysterious and wonderful to get her in the club.


Most robbed for: Actress, 1986—Out of this world as bewitching masochist Dorothy Vallens in David Lynch's Blue Velvet, Rossellini probably just scared everyone too much to vote for her. 失之交臂:最佳女演员,1986-在大卫·林奇的《蓝丝绒》中她饰演多萝西·瓦伦斯,一个迷人的受虐狂,估计是她精湛的演技吓到了所有人,所以才没多少人为她投票。

7. Alan Rickman (1946–2016)


It's hard to think of anyone who played villains more lovably than Rickman—they're often secretly the hero, even if the actual hero hasn't been told. He was also a marvellously grumpy romantic lead when required (not often enough) and the sort of British pro whom Oscar voters would usually get on their hands and knees to reward.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actor, 1988—They say an action film's only as good as its baddie. Thanks to the wickedly sardonic Hans Gruber, this means Die Hard is way up there among the best of all time.


6. John Barrymore (1882–1942)


Not just the head of a legendary Hollywood dynasty (he's Drew's grandfather) and one of the most important theatre actors of his day, but a major film star throughout the sound era and for the first decade of talkies, Barrymore drank too much and died too young. His brother Lionel won one (for 1931's A Free Soul), but John's was the greater talent.


Most robbed for: Actor, 1934—His fits of magnificent diva outrage as fulminating Broadway impresario Oscar Jaffe in Howard Hawks's Twentieth Century.


5. Meg Ryan (1961— )


Ryan's in the Carrey/Grant category of someone whose ticks can grate in her lesser vehicles, but when she's on, she's really on—star wattage, comic timing, and nutso charm like no one else's. Her CV's missing one hand-slap-to-forehead non-nomination that would make up for everything.


Most robbed for: Actress, 1989—Really, if they weren't going to nominate her for When Harry Met Sally..., it was never going to happen.


4. Mia Farrow (1945— )


In every way, it feels like Mia got the rough end of marriage to Woody Allen—she's his muse for a decade, and not one Oscar nomination, while supporting players reap them constantly? Even before they teamed up, her ethereal, freckly beauty was a Hollywood treasure, and one the Academy should have noticed.


Most robbed for: Actress, 1968—It's impossible to imagine Rosemary's Baby without her pale, panicked fragility as Satan's mum.


3. Donald Sutherland (1935— )


Some blame the Canadian curse (see also Jim Carrey), for what other reason could there be? He has that instantly recognisable baritone, maybe the most treasurable voice in the movies this side of James Mason, and such a rich gallery of parts from the eccentrically endearing to the downright terrifying.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actor, 1991—Sutherland's incredible off-the-record monologue in Oliver Stone's JFK, which cracks the whole movie wide open.


2. Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)


Maybe it was considered enough that she was the pin-up to end all pin-ups, and a wildly successful star for ten years. Perhaps she made too many comedies—never the surest path to Academy favour. But any one of a half-dozen performances should have earned Monroe's inclusion, if only as a polite nod of appreciation.


Most robbed for: Actress, 1959—Only Jack Lemmon in Some Like it Hot's lead trio got mentioned, but Monroe is fifty times funnier in it than nominee Doris Day in Pillow Talk.


1. Edward G. Robinson (1893-1973)


A damn handy character actor well into his late Seventies, Robinson was a huge if unlikely star throughout the 1930s and 40s. He must have narrowly missed a nod as the hood in Little Caesar (1931), and sadly died two months before an honorary Oscar was presented to him in 1973.


Most robbed for: Supporting Actor, 1944—He had flashier parts, but few as perfectly-tailored to him as sympathetic adjuster Barton Keyes in Double Indemnity.


  • sandyadj. 沙,含沙的,沙色的,不稳固的 Sandy n.
  • magnetn. 磁体,磁铁,有强大吸引力的人或物
  • outragen. 暴行,侮辱,愤怒 vt. 凌辱,激怒
  • charmn. 魅力,迷人,吸引力,美貌 v. (使)陶醉,(使)
  • respectedadj. 受尊敬的 v. 尊敬;重视(respect的过
  • nominatevt. 提名,指派,登记赛马参加比赛
  • durableadj. 耐用持久的 n. (复)耐用品
  • depravityn. 堕落,腐败,邪恶
  • millern. 磨坊主,铣床(工)
  • masonn. 泥瓦匠 Mason: 共济会会员