HSBC is being investigated by US authorities over its hiring of people linked to Asian governments, adding to the bank’s litigation worries, which helped drag it to a fourth-quarter loss.
The bank said yesterday that it was one of “multiple financial institutions” being investigated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission over its Asian hiring practices, an issue that has also plagued US lenders such as JPMorgan Chase.
汇丰昨日表示,该行是美国证券交易委员会(SEC)就亚洲雇佣行为进行调查的“多家金融机构”之一。这个问题也困扰着摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)等美资银行。
Stuart Gulliver, chief executive, said the SEC had widened its investigation from a group of US banks to include several international groups with operations in Asia.
汇丰首席执行官欧智华(Stuart Gulliver)表示,美国证交会已拓宽调查范围,从一组美国的银行扩大到包括几家在亚洲运营的国际集团。
In the fourth quarter, the cost of settling litigation and of compensating UK customers for mis-sold insurance products cost HSBC more than $700m, dragging it to a surprise $858m loss for the period. The loss — at odds with analyst forecasts of a profit — came in a year of weak lending, restructuring costs and higher bad loan charges.
The bank returned to annual pre-tax profit growth for 2015, but only by a whisker. Pre-tax profits of $18.9bn grew just 1 per cent in 2015 — an improvement on the 17 per cent drop between 2013 and 2014. Charges made for bad loans rose 17 per cent at $3.7bn, driven by increased provisions for oil and gas exposure in the fourth quarter.
It took a $400m impairment charge against its $29bn oil and gas book. Mr Gulliver said that just over two-thirds of its exposure was to state-owned companies and oil majors, adding: “It is a pretty strong book, actually.”
Douglas Flint, chairman, said the bank’s “diversified business model and balance sheet strength” would provide resilience against a slowdown in Chinese economic growth and a “bumpier financial environment”.
汇丰董事长范智廉(Douglas Flint)表示,该行“多元化的业务模式和资产负债表实力”将提供应对中国经济增长放缓和“更为动荡的金融环境”的弹性。
The results provide the first clear picture of HSBC since it announced a “pivot to Asia” last yearinvolving shedding $5bn of costs and 50,000 jobs while shifting a sizeable chunk of its assets to more profitable areas, such as China.
自去年汇丰宣布“转向亚洲”(pivot to Asia)战略(涉及削减50亿美元成本和裁减5万工作岗位,同时将相当一部分资产转移至中国等更有利可图的地区)以后,这些结果首度提供了有关汇丰的清晰图景。
HSBC allayed fears among analysts that it would end its progressive dividend policy, lifting its annual payout from 50 cents to 51 cents.
Net profit inched down to $13.5bn last year, while revenues slid from $61.3bn to $59.8bn. Return on equity slipped from 7.3 to 7.2 per cent, well below management’s target of at least 10 per cent.