Daily alcohol consumption has become a way of life for many people. From beer and wine to cocktails, alcoholic beverages are the drinks or choice at happy hours, formal dinners and recreational events. Alcohol in some form is often the "stress reliever" for people who want to relax and forget about the cares and worries of the day. After a hard day at work, it is not unusual for some people to head to bars or restaurants to drink away their sorrows with a group of coworkers while others prefer to go home and relax on the sofa with a glass of wine.Some people cruise through life seemingly unaffected by their alcohol use while others sink into an abyss of alcohol addiction. Not only that, alcohol is a chemical that can damage the body to the point of disability and death. Although alcohol causes a myriad of problems, drinking is considered socially acceptable in part because it is legal. However, anyone who is considering drinking alcohol should pay close attention the following top 10 reasons why alcohol is the most dangerous substance in the world.
10.Drinking Alcohol Can Lead to Financial Ruin
Alcohol use can cause financial problems. A person who becomes addicted to alcohol will do just about anything to obtain the next drink. It is not unusual for an alcoholic to spend his or her entire paycheck on binge drinking. Social drinking in a festive environment can make one feel like the king or queen of the world, and in a moment of self-aggrandizement he or she might buy rounds of drinks for everyone–on the house. With the price of alcohol, it won't long to blow a paycheck on a night of throwing back drinks with friends and strangers. In fact there are people who will take advantage or an alcoholic's generosity by making him or her feel like the most important person in the room just to keep the drinks flowing. Spending excessive money on alcohol means that the bills don't get paid and children go without food, clothing and other essentials. It is not unusual for the alcoholic who neglects his or her family to end up alone and homeless. Additionally failing to meet other financial because of drinking impacts one's credit standing. Bills that are not paid on time lead to low credit scores. Low credit scores can affect the ability to get a job or a house and even when a person stops drinking it may take years to regain a good credit rating.
9.Drinking Alcohol Can Lead to Chronic Health Problems
Alcohol leads to chronic health conditions associated with poor nutrition. Obesity is the cause of several chronic conditions that result in a poor quality of life and death. Obesity has been linked to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke and other diseases. Consuming large amounts of alcohol can pile on the calories. Everyone has heard of the infamous beer belly. While the beer may not be the total culprit, downing several beers of 150 calories each will certainly contribute to extra girth around the waist. Additionally, where there is beer drinking, there is usually a good amount of junk food or calorie laden food available. Drinking alcohol contributes to a lot of mindless eating even when a person is not hungry. Eating in this way piles on the pounds, especially when the individual consuming the extra calories leads a sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, over consumption of alcohol leads to under nutrition for some drinkers.
The individual who binges on alcohol might forget to eat or may have more of an appetite for alcohol than food. As a result, the drinker can lose nutrients and minerals, leading to poor nutritional status. Excessive drinking can contribute to osteoporosis. Heavy alcohol use is said to interfere with calcium absorption. Calcium is essential not only for strong bones, but strong teeth, which means that heavy drinkers are also at risk for dental problems. The fact is that drinking alcohol leads to a host of costly health issues.
8.Drinking Alcohol can Lead to Premature Death
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to early death. From 2006 through 2010, 88,000 people died from heavy alcohol use and their lives were shortened by about 30 years. Heavy drinkers are at a higher risk for liver disease and heart disease. The heavy drinker who already has these conditions will find that alcohol consumption makes them worse. Drinking too much at one time can lead to sudden death from alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning is the result of overwhelming the body with alcohol. It is not unusual for young adults participating in recreational binge drinking to die from alcohol poisoning.
According to the Centers for Disease control, in the U.S. an average of six people die of alcohol poisoning each day. Three out of four deaths occur in adults with men being at the highest risk. A person suffering from alcohol poisoning or alcohol intoxication may exhibit the following symptoms: confusion, irregular breathing (several seconds between breaths), slow breathing, pale or blue-tinged skin, seizures, hypothermia, confusion and unconsciousness. Any of these symptoms observed in a person who drinks heavily could indicate alcohol poisoning. People who drink heavily may also sink into a deep depression that can lead to suicide. People who drink too much generally exercise poor judgment that leads to risky behaviors result in permanent disability or death. Unfortunately too many people observe their friends drinking to the point of being totally out of control while encouraging them to keep drinking or simply standing by passively without intervening.
7.Drinking Alcohol Causes People to Lose Their Sensibilities
People who drink alcohol excessively they tend to throw common sense out the window or lose their inhibitions. They say things they would not usually say and may regret later. They also engage in behaviors that would be very embarrassing during times of sobriety. An intoxicated person may put his or her whole entire reputation or career on the line for one night of drinking. For example, people who get drunk may participate in high risk sexual activities such as having unprotected sex or engaging in sexual acts with multiple partners. The next day they may have no recollection of what happened. This not only puts the vulnerable person's reputation at risk but also exposes him or her to sexually transmitted diseases.
Unwanted pregnancies can also occur when people engage in sex while drinking. It is not unusual for adolescents and adults to engage in criminal activity when drinking alcohol. Again, this is a case where inhibitions are may be lowered and an individual may feel a false sense of bravery that makes it easy for him or her to get involved in criminal behavior. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, for 40 percent of the persons in jail or prison for homicide, alcohol played a role in their crimes. In fact, alcohol is a factor in all types of violent crimes, including rape and aggravated assault. Anyone who becomes intoxicated with alcohol is at risk for committing crimes or becoming a victim of crime.
6.Drinking Alcohol Can Lead to Cirrhosis of the Liver
Alcohol can lead to permanent organ damage. When most people think of organ damage associated with excessive drinking, cirrhosis of the liver comes to mind first. That is not unusual since alcohol is the most common cause of cirrhosis in the U.S. Cirrhosis of the liver can be fatal because damaged liver can no longer perform the essential processes necessary to keep the body functioning optimally. The liver is designed to work hard to keep the body healthy and from being overrun with poisonous substances. Cirrhosis affects the liver's ability to convert food into energy and prevent the organ from removing toxins from the body. The liver in people with cirrhosis contains scar tissue that reduces the flow of blood through the organ.
Heavy drinking and failing to consume enough healthy food are both factors in cirrhosis of the liver. People with cirrhosis of the liver usually experience symptoms like itching and swelling. It is harder for those with cirrhosis to fight off infections like a common cold and the flu. They may also suffer from impaired mental function that can lead to poor judgment. Those with cirrhosis may experience several symptoms including exhaustion, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, impotence, weakness and fatigue. With late stage cirrhosis, sufferers may experience jaundice, which is yellowing of the eyes, skin due to the buildup of bile, the fluid that the liver secretes to help with digestion of food. What is sad about cirrhosis of the liver from drinking is that the harmful effects may be avoided delayed if the person diagnosed with ceases drinking and lives a healthy lifestyle. However persons addicted to alcohol are generally not nearly as concerned with their personal health as they are about their next drink.
审校:假微信 编辑:Freya然 来源:前十网