The newest street-style fashion star has been photographed dining at Balthazar and Nobu, shopping at Barneys, vacationing in Marrakesh and the Napa Valley and going to the ballet in London. She favors Chloé, Marc Jacobs and Zara, and seems to have an occasional fondness for the color pink.
最新的街头时尚明星被拍到在Balthazar和Nobu餐厅用餐,在巴尼斯百货(Barneys)购物,在马拉喀什和纳帕瓦利度假,在伦敦观看芭蕾舞剧。她最喜欢Chloé、马克·雅可布(Marc Jacobs)和Zara,有时似乎特别喜欢粉色。
And she is 4 years old.
Her name is Harper Seven Beckham, and if you didn’t already know, she is the daughter and youngest child of Victoria and David Beckham.
她的名字是哈珀·塞文·贝克汉姆(Harper Seven Beckham)。如果你不知道她是谁,那么让我来告诉你:她是维多利亚和大卫·贝克汉姆(Victoria and David Beckham)的女儿和最小的孩子。
She was at her mother’s fashion show on a frigid Sunday morning in New York this week, sitting in the front row with her father, the retired soccer star, and her three brothers, Cruz, 10; Romeo, 13; and Brooklyn, 16 — the latter two also budding fashionistas. (Romeo has starred in a Burberry ad campaign shot by Mario Testino, and Brooklyn is a sometime model and aspiring fashion photographer.)
在纽约时装周寒冷的周日(2月14日),她出现在妈妈的时装秀上,和她一起坐在头排的是退役足球明星父亲和三个哥哥:10岁的克鲁斯(Cruz);13岁的罗密欧(Romeo)和16岁的布鲁克林(Brooklyn)——后两位也是初露头角的时尚达人(罗密欧在马里奥·泰斯蒂诺[Mario Testino]拍的博柏利[Burberry]广告片中担任主角,布鲁克林有时做模特,也是一个很有抱负的时尚摄影师)。
Harper was clad in a black bespoke Burberry winter coat that had been chosen for her by the Burberry creative director Christopher Bailey and a pair of black patent leather loafers by Gucci, her hair styled into two glossy braids. As the British newspaper The Sun put it in its report about Ms. Beckham’s New York Fashion Week show: “Harper Beckham steals show.”
那天,哈珀穿着博柏利的创意总监克里斯托弗·贝利(Christopher Bailey)为她挑选的博柏利黑色定制冬季外套,脚上穿的是古驰(Gucci)黑色漆皮便鞋,头发编成两个光滑的辫子。就像英国《太阳报》(The Sun)在关于贝克汉姆夫人纽约时装秀的报道中说的:“哈珀·贝克汉姆抢了时装秀的风头。”
Much like kindergarten contemporaries North West and Prince George, whose celebrity parents also command a global cult following, Harper has garnered a multimillion-strong army of admiring fans on Instagram and other social media platforms thanks to her impeccable outfits.
和她的幼儿园同辈诺丝·韦斯特(North West)和乔治王子(Prince George)一样——他们的名人父母在全球也得到疯狂追捧——哈珀凭借完美无瑕的着装在Instagram等社交媒体上收获数百万赞赏她的粉丝。
She has been featured on the websites of British Vogue and Elle UK and is the subject of a full-time blog devoted to chronicling her every look, titled simply enough, “Harper Beckham.”
“Goodness, a full-time blog just on her, does she really?” said her mother, Victoria Beckham, who was interviewed backstage after the show, with her family and well-wishers milling around. “That’s quite amazing. I had no idea. And perhaps a little odd.”
Ms. Beckham added: “I suppose it says a lot about the world we are living in today. And yet it doesn’t surprise me. Harper is incredibly chic — especially this morning in that coat from Christopher, and wears some incredibly sweet things. She’s a very stylish little thing with her own sense of how she wants to dress. She tends to choose exactly what she wears herself.”
There seems to be a booming trend for designer children’s wear (some of Harper’s outfits come from labels like Little Marc Jacobs and Stella McCartney Kids), making the wearers look more like mini-versions of their parents rather than rapidly developing toddlers and adolescents who will soon outgrow those expensive designer duds.
设计师童装似乎正成为一股新兴潮流(哈珀穿的服装有些来自小马克·雅可布[Little Marc Jacobs]和Stella McCartney Kids),孩子们穿了这样的衣服,不像小孩子,倒像是是爸爸妈妈的迷你版,而且他们正处在快速发育期,这样昂贵的设计服装很快也就穿不下了。
The premium brands that regularly feature in the wardrobes of pint-size A-list offspring, and the retailers that sell them, are reaping the rewards. Net-a-Porter has registered the domain name Petite-a-Porter, and Harrods of London recently expanded its children’s wear department to 66,000 square feet. When a figure like Harper is spotted wearing one outfit, brands say, sales can skyrocket and pieces sell out only hours after a photograph appears online.
“Our loyal customers are always interested in seeing who is wearing our clothes, and we do find that the clothes worn by Harper sell very quickly,” said Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece, creative director of the luxury children’s label Marie-Chantal in London. Pink velvet party dresses from the brand sell for around $280, while a pillar-box red coat with a bow collar costs $395.
“Victoria has been a great supporter over the years, and Harper has been wearing Marie-Chantal since she was a baby,” the princess said. “We are so happy that Harper still loves wearing our clothes even as she gets older.” (The Harper Beckham blog lists 31 times that Harper has been photographed in Marie-Chantal.)
Eleanor Robinson, head of accessories and children’s wear at Selfridges, said last week that best-selling designer items in recent seasons for the upmarket British department store have included a Burberry trench worn by Romeo Beckham, Pink Dr. Martens and Charlotte Olympia kitty flats seen on North West; and items by Chloé, Bonpoint and Little Marc Jacobs that Harper has been spotted wearing.
上周(2月7日至2月13日),塞尔福里奇百货公司(Selfridges)的配饰和童装主管埃莉诺·鲁宾逊(Eleanor Robinson)说,这家英国高级百货公司近几季最畅销的名牌服装包括罗密欧·贝克汉姆穿过的博柏利军大衣,诺丝·韦斯特穿过的粉色Dr. Martens鞋和Charlotte Olympia猫脸平底鞋,以及哈珀穿过的Chloé、Bonpoint和小马克·雅可布的服装。
“Here in the United Kingdom especially, there is this very British sense of pride with celebrities and their children, and in particular with the Beckhams and Princess Catherine and Prince William,” Ms. Robinson said. “These are family role models who dress their children beautifully, and consumers aspire to replicate this personal sense of style that also reinforces positive family ideals. Children’s wear has become an increasingly important part of our fashion business.”
“尤其是在英国,人们对名人及其孩子有英式自豪感,特别是对贝克汉姆一家以及凯瑟琳王妃(Princess Catherine)和威廉王子(Prince William),”鲁宾逊说,“他们是模范家庭,把孩子们打扮得很漂亮,顾客们希望亲身复制这种时尚感,同时强化正面的家庭理想。童装正变成时装业越来越重要的一部分。”
The person who runs the Harper Beckham fashion site, Anastasia Medvedeva, is a blogger based in the San Francisco Bay Area. She said the site got about 3,000 hits a day and was an “unremarkable” moneymaker, deriving its income from a few Google ads. “I first started eight years ago with a fashion blog about Suri Cruise because I loved her style when she was little, and have been a lifelong fan of Victoria Beckham, so a focus on Harper was a natural progression,” she wrote in an email. “Harper is very popular because of who her parents are and their personal style.”
运营哈珀·贝克汉姆时尚网站的阿纳斯塔西娅·麦德弗德娃(Anastasia Medvedeva)是旧金山湾区的一位博主。她说,该网站每天的点击量大约为3000次,赚钱能力“一般”,主要来自几个谷歌广告。她在接受电子邮件采访时写道:“最初是8年前,我开了一个关于苏瑞·克鲁斯(Suri Cruise)的时尚博客,因为我很喜欢她小时候的着装风格。我一直很喜欢维多利亚·贝克汉姆,所以关注哈珀是自然的。由于父母以及他们的个人风尚,哈珀很受欢迎。”
Despite the haute fashion pieces Harper sported supporting her mother at the Sunday show, another apparent factor behind her breakout street-style star status is the quota of items she wears that are affordable for the general public, Ms. Medvedeva wrote, making copying her looks more accessible for many parents.
Though the Bonpoint and Chloé dresses frequently worn by Harper can range from $100 to $250, Ms. Medvedeva wrote, she can often be seen in emerging brands like Billieblush, Gardner and the Gang, and Courage & Kind, which are relatively more affordable.
麦德弗德娃写道,尽管哈珀经常穿的Bonpoint和Chloé的连衣裙价格在100美元至250美元之间,但她也经常穿Billieblush、Gardner and the Gang以及Courage & Kind等新兴品牌的衣服,这些衣服相对便宜一些。
How aware Harper is of her style supernova status remains to be seen. She will return to school next week in London after her half-term break. But her mother said she doubted the attention would deter Harper from continuing to wear her consistently favorite item.
“More than anything,” Ms. Beckham said, “she loves her football jersey.”